New PIG chapter up at Panda's Thumb

In the ongoing collection of rebuttals to the new Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design, check out Andrea's review of Wells' chapter on molecular biology.

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The ongoing dissection of Wells' The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design continues, with two new disembowelments on display. Andrea Bottaro rips up Chapter 9, "The Secret of Life". In this one, Wells makes the tired old argument that only intelligent agents can create…
As Steve subtly reminds me, the latest edition of Circus of the Spineless is up at Sunbeams from Cucumbers, wherein Steve makes the argument that CoS is way better than a normal circus. You be the judge. And while I'm plugging posts elsewhere, I'll note that two new posts are up on Panda's…
Jonathan Wells is at it again. Erstwhile "developmental biologist," he has taken time off  "working on a book criticizing the over-emphasis on genes in biology and medicine" to present a Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design, one that is approved of by Ann Coulter, who…
It's been a busy week over at Panda's Thumb. Three additional reviews of Jon Wells' Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design are up: First, PT's resident lawyer Timothy Sandefur writes about Wells' misleading characterizations of legal cases involving intelligent design.…

Can we expect a PIG to Disease anytime soon? It's time to dispel that oppressive notion that diseases are caused by these invisible germs and cured by elitist scientists in labcoats.


I don't know if WHO radio(1040 AM) from Des Moines reaches you in Iowa City during the day, but this afternoon, local right-wing talk show hack Steve Deace interviewed Jonathan Wells. The topic was of course the PIG, and Wells was in good form, although Deace's need to hear himself talk actually limited Wells somewhat. In any case, it was exactly what you would expect, with Wells spewing his lies and distortions and Deace cheering him on the whole way. What is sad is that this is THE radio station in Iowa, with a (relatively) huge audience, and its programming is highly influential. This, coming right on the heals of seeing a big YEC display drawing a crowd (mostly young kids!) at the State Fair, leaves me even more worried than usual about the future of our state.

If you are interested in hearing the segment, it is supposed to be up as a podcast on the station website soon.

I'll check it out.

Didn't hear about the YEC display at the state fair. Shoulda expected it, I guess. Maybe ICS will have to do something there next year.