Darwin Day essay contest!

In honor of Darwin Day, Evil Monkey brings news of an essay contest being sponsored by the Alliance for Science:

2007 National High School Essay Contest

Why would I want my doctor to have studied evolution? If you are a high school student in the United States, we want to hear your answer to that question. Send us an essay of not more than 1,000 words by March 31st.

There are cash prizes and more for winners; the details can be found here.

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Yes, yes, I know Darwin Day was Februrary 12th. Nevertheless, the Alliance for Science is sponsoring an essay contest in Darwin's honor and, if you're a high school student you can still celebrate by writing an essay. And if you're a high school teacher, and your student wins, you win $$ for…
It's official! In honor of Darwin Day celebrations everywhere, the Alliance for Science is having their first annual Evolution Essay contest! This year's question: Why would you want your doctor to have studied evolution? Pop on over for contest details, if you're a high school student. First…
Darwin Day is fast approaching! In honor of Charles Darwin's birthday and his intellectual achievements, the Alliance for Science is starting an annual Darwin Day essay contest geared at high school students. We will be accepting essays from the 50 states, submissions sent by email. There will…

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Hmm.. why would I want my doctor to have studied evolution? Two words: Antibiotic resistance. There was a brilliant Doonesbury about this last year, I don't know if I can find it anymore.

Jeez Louise - this sounds as silly as "What would you ask god for if he could answer any prayer?" As an atheist, I get riled up when I hear stuff like "Well, they don't believe in evolution so they can't possible be a good (fill in blank)". Newton, Copernicus, Pasteur, Boyle and Da Vinci did not believe in Evolution - does this invalidate their efforts?

I worry about the increasing tendency to link science with atheism and leftist politics as much as I do the fights against science by evangelicals. I like your site by the way.