Live from San Francisco

So, I'm here in San Francisco at AAAS, and have had the pleasure of hanging out with Janet (who I met previously), John, and Jeremy (who I'd not). I'll hopefully have a post up tomorrow on the session I just got out of, discussing evolution education and grassroots activism. It's been a lot of fun so far (and educational, of course!)

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As I mentioned, I spent the latter part of last week and the weekend in San Francisco at the annual AAAS meeting. Unlike most meetings I attend, this one wasn't a research-heavy meeting, so instead I went to hear more about science education (and of course, how to improve it), as well as to find…
So, I'm back from AAAS, and starting to catch up on everything. The conference flew by, and I still have a few posts in the wings on the evolution symposium that took place on Friday, as well as some other tidbits from sessions I attended. Overall, I thought the conference was very good from a…
Things are very busy here at the AAAS Annual Meeting, so much so that I haven't had a chance to sit at a computer and write anything. Hopefully, if I get some time together tomorrow, I'll blog on a session on grassroots activism and science education. For now, I'll just note the following: Eugenie…
Well by now you are all no doubt dying to see my holiday snaps. Fifty years ago I'd be that annoying relative who insisted on holding slide nights after a vacation (I had a vacation once. I remember it well). So here is the visual diary of my (working) trip to Vancouver for the PSA/HSS conference,…

What! I don't get a link? :)

By John Lynch (not verified) on 16 Feb 2007 #permalink

Sigh. And here I am, an hour north, and I couldn't go.

I need to get off my blogged-out butt and go to another one of these meetings. I had fun at the last on in St. Louis. Maybe we need a Seed-sponsored blog panel...?

Sorry John, coding issue--your link is restored. :) Phil, woulda loved to have seen you--we'll have to see about a blogging symposium or something next year...