Science fair spawns science fair project?

I haven't had a chance yet to mention Seed's promotion of the Intel Science and Engineering Fair, the cream of the science fair crop. It's so prestigious, in fact, that it attracts young adults from all over the world to share their research. However, one brought more than the judges bargained for, as she also happened to be in the early stages of measles:

A 15-year-old girl from India who was visiting for the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair has been hospitalized with measles, and New Mexico health officials say she was likely infectious when she was traveling and while at the fair.

The New Mexico Health Department's lab confirmed the measles case Thursday. Officials said the girl, who traveled from India to Atlanta and then to Albuquerque last Saturday, was admitted to a local hospital.

The story came out last Friday, so apologies if someone else already mentioned it. They note:

The Health Department said it's concerned about possible exposure at the science fair, which is being held at the Albuquerque Convention Center, and hotels where the girl stayed. The department plans to hold a vaccination clinic Friday [I assume this was the 18th?--TS] for fair attendees.

A separate clinic will be held Friday afternoon for other members of the public who think they may have been exposed.

Wonder if there are any budding virologists/mathematical modelers in the group? This could be a good project for future years....*

(But seriously, I hope eveyone ends up just fine and nothing comes of the girl's illness...)

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