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I'm obviously a bit late in commenting on the scientist-journalist debate that went on through last week, so I'm not going to weigh in at this point. (Round up of posts. The entry that started it all.) But for the motivated reader, below the fold are listed several studies and book chapters that I…
I almost gave up subscribing to WUWT, but juuust about frequently enough something interesting comes up; and of course its a convenient way of keeping up with the denialosphere. So today I find A review of the seminar ‘The contrarian discourse in the blogosphere–what are blogs good for anyway?’…
P is a popular letter so the list is longish. As always, check it out: bad links? Let me know. A super-find you are very happy to discover? I'd like to know. A grave omission? Tell me in the comments... Pacific Institute Integrity of Science Blog (old) Pacific Institute Integrity of Science…
In addition to comments by Mike, Jennifer, and Astroprof, Chris Mooney added his thoughts to the scientist-journalist communication discussion in a post here--so perhaps a few more journalists will pop out of the woodwork there and elaborate. I see a common theme here. Scientists have often had…