ASM's MicrobeWorld features science bloggers

I mentioned back in May that myself and a group of science bloggers went and got ourselves interviewed by Chris Condayan of The American Society for Microbiology's MicrobeWorld. Well, the video ("Microblogology") is up, featuring fellow U of Iowan John Logsdon, Jonathan Badger, Yersinia, Elio Schaechter, and Larry Moran.

From the blurb: "Six science bloggers talk about why they blog, the role of blogging in science, feedback they've received and the greatest microbiological discovery in the past decade." I'm including the video after the jump; just be warned that I talk *really* fast and tend to be a bit animated when I'm not consciously slowing myself down. (As I mentioned before, this is why I tend to stick to print media!).

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And thank you for conceiving of all this and putting it all together! It was a lot of fun.

The idea of the video was very nice, especially for people like me who will most likely never meet any of the bloggers, but have read enough of their blogs to feel like I (at least superficially) know them. Tara, I didn't think you talked fast, although you are a little bit animated --- which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I thought everyone came across very well.


Hah, in the final minute in the restaurant scene over the end credits, I am talking and gesturing like crazy, and you're nodding in agreement, but I can't remember at all what the conversation was about. Do you?