Help the Livingstone Performing Arts Foundation

Every time you love just a little
Take one step closer, solving a riddle
It echoes all over the world

Every time you opt in to kindness
Make one connection, used to divide us
It echoes all over the world
--Dar Williams, Echoes

I write about African countries with some regularity on here. The continent is, of course, one of the central areas for so many infectious diseases, including the big three (HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis). Sometimes I document the science; other times I'll write about what is being done to help (for example, these clever designs, or money raising events. Over at Genomicron, though, T. Ryan Gregory notes a much more personal connection to assistance in Africa: his parents are moving to Zambia to aid the town of Livingstone, just a few miles from Victoria Falls.

His parents are spearheading this by themselves, and working tirelessly to raise funds and awareness--and this is where we come in. Gregory notes that there are many ways to help. Obviously, money is always welcome (you can donate here), but they're also in need of many basics: textbooks (especially for younger kids), science equipment, sound and lighting equipment, etc. Perhaps you could also donate work to be sold to benefit the charity rather than give a cash donation--lots of "outside of the box" ideas in the linked post. Even if you can't donate, you can always spread the word about The Livingstone Performing Arts Foundation to friends and relatives who might be interested.


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