While I'm out...

Traveling yet again today (things finally calm down in September, I think). In the meantime, here are a few posts from elsewhere I've been meaning to highlight:

Some more background for those of you who may not be up to speed on HIV/AIDS: AJ Cann explains what we know (and don't know) about how HIV causes AIDS.

Speaking of HIV, ERV has 4 years to come up with an HIV vaccine, and another bad story about science in the media.

David asks if biologists have physics envy. I think I just have other-fields-of-biology envy, and want to do it all.

PZ has a very nice posts explaining the folly of debating creationists, along with alternatives to debate that will still allow scientists to get their message out.

And finally, Revere has the latest news on the Tripoli Six.

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What do you think about this " FDA Preliminary Public Health Notification*: Acanthamoeba Keratitis Infections Potentially Related to Complete MoisturePlus Multipurpose Contact Lens Solution Manufactured by Advanced Medical Optics (AMO)" ? found at http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/safety/053107-acanthamoeba.html

I'm worried now because after 10 years wearing the same contact RX in the past few months I've been having hard time seeing: things are blurry with contacts or glasses. I just moved to a new state and don't know who to go to about this.

By worriednow (not verified) on 16 Jul 2007 #permalink

Tara, congratulations on your mention in Medscape. In particular, you've disappointed all those denialists who thought that outing you to your department for practicing science would get in the way.