Weird sex gone horribly wrong

Fain DB, McCormick GM. Vaginal "fisting" as a cause of death. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 1989 Mar;10(1):73-5.

It's too old to find online, so allow me to summarize the short abstract: Guy and girl are fooling around, guy sticks entire hand and part of forearm up girl's vagina, girl subsequently dies. That's all I've got.

Edit: you can grab the paper here.


Ivanovski O, Stankov O, Kuzmanoski M, Saidi S, Banev S, Filipovski V, Lekovski L, Popov Z. Penile strangulation: two case reports and review of the literature. J Sex Med. 2007 Nov;4(6):1775-80. Epub 2007 Sep 21.

In essence, improper (and inappropriate) cock ring use. Items that have been used include: string, iron and steel rings, ball bearings, bottles, nuts (hehe), wedding rings (!), iron pipe, rubber bands, steel washers, and loop wrenches (!). For those of you interested, there are some wonderful images of strangled penises in this paper. One is gangrenous. Whee!


Summers JA. A complication of an unusual sexual practice. South Med J. 2003 Jul;96(7):716-7.

A dude infused 900 mL (a typical pop can holds 355 mL) of saline into his scrotum in an attempt to get his, er, rocks off. He used what is called a "scrotal inflation kit", which is apparently purchasable online from a site called Chase Union. Also worth noting is that the author of this paper cited Dan Savage twice in his discussion. My favourite bit: "He had a greatly enlarged, erythematous, tender, warm scrotum. The swelling of the scrotum completely consumed his penis." Nightmare time.

Big props to Reade, who suggested this paper.


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People who don't attend U of T should remove the to read the abstracts.

P.S. Full text of the vaginal fisting article is available via Ovid Technologies. (Subscription required, but many academic institutions should have one.)