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Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

August 4, 2008
What a terrible time this is to be a Christian. The churches have failed and betrayed us, and the ministry preaches hate and murder. If there is a sane and reasoning voice in the Christian church today it is sadly silent. - Francois Auguste Rene Rodin (November 12, 1840-November 17, 1917)
August 4, 2008
Thomas Frank, the author of the popular book What's the Matter with Kansas?: How Conservatives Won the Heart of America, has a new book out - The Wrecking Crew: How Conservatives Rule - which sounds even better. He was the guest on NPR's Fresh Air tonight (listen to the podcast - it's worth your…
August 4, 2008
Obligatory readings of the day: FNB Politics Contradictions don't phase us, as we outgrew thinking long ago
August 4, 2008
Jay's blog is the HQ for this story.
August 4, 2008
When writing about blogs, the Corporate Media does not always make total fools of themselves. For instance, this article on medblogging is quite even-handed and good.
August 4, 2008
Michael Shermer - Toward a Type 1 civilization. Ignore the nutty libertarianism - read only this sentence: Globalism that includes worldwide wireless Internet access, with all knowledge digitized and available to everyone.
August 4, 2008
From, via: Did you know that some six million eligible voters live abroad? Amazing the stuff you learn at Frameshop. And it's all free. that I shared that with you, here's what you can do for me in return: Post this video everywhere! I mean absolutely everywhere. It's a snappy video…
August 4, 2008
In about a month, we at Scienceblogs will start our own traditional DonorsChoose drive, when we will pick and choose worthy science/math educational projects and ask you to donate your money to fund them. But, before we do that, you can do a little warm-up exercise! And you don't even have to pay…
August 4, 2008
You know I like the guy. So I laughed when I saw this cartoon (via):
August 4, 2008
It's Monday afternoon, time to take a look at the brand new articles in PLoS Medicine and PLoS Biology: Tasting the Bitter Sunlight: Have you ever had that gut reaction to your surroundings, some physical sensation that something isn't quite right? Maybe a squirmy, uneasy feeling in your stomach or…
August 4, 2008
Due to weather prognosis and expectation of a large crowd, the Meet The SciBling event will have to change location: ....we've decided to change the location of Saturday's Reader Meetup. The new spot will be at a bar on the west side called Social. (It's about 20 blocks south of the AMNH).... 2pm-…
August 4, 2008
Sleep Apnea Linked To Increased Risk Of Death: Sleep-disordered breathing (also known as sleep apnea) is associated with an increased risk of death, according to new results from the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort, an 18-year observational study supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (…
August 4, 2008
Carnival of the Blue #15 is up on Sea Notes Carnival of the Green #139 is up on Everyday Trash Carnival of the Godless #97 is up on Kieran's Commentary Don't forget to submit your entries for the next editions of Praxis and The Giant's Shoulders!
August 4, 2008
There's a war under the bed... Gallery of The Absurd Resplendent Chaos Digital Ethnography 30Threads Ether Wave Propaganda Dependable Erection
August 4, 2008
My SciBling John Lynch recently published a very interesting paper, on a topic close to my heart: Does Science Education Need the History of Science? by Graeme Gooday, John M. Lynch, Kenneth G. Wilson, and Constance K. Barsky. Isis, 2008, 99:322-330 This is a part of a broader focus issue of Isis…
August 4, 2008
[From, via]
August 4, 2008
Vedran Vucic has put together a new aggregator that uses some of the RSS feeds from Check it out here. It is mainly going to be shown to researchers and interested folks in Serbia, but of course everyone in the world can access it and use it.
August 4, 2008
Cleaning up and updating my enormous Blogroll is not an easy task, and I have fallen far too behind to be able to do it in a day or two. May need a month or two. Perhaps you can help me. Every couple of days or so, I will post here a list of blogs that start with a particular letter, and you add…
August 4, 2008
Alex, Dan and John Wilkins have wise things to say about metaphors in biology, Big Biology and a recent article by Sir Paul Nurse.
August 4, 2008
Mo has the scoop - a fascinating interview with Heather Perry, one of the rare people who voluntarily underwent trepanation surgery.
August 4, 2008
The new blog carnival, covering the way science is changing (or not changing enough) in the 21st century - Praxis, is about to start. The call for submissions is now open - send them to me at Coturnix AT gmail dot com by August 14th at midnight Eastern. The business of science - from getting into…
August 4, 2008
There are lots of meetings and events this week.... The biggie this week is, of course, SciFoo, the third iteration of the most amazing meeting of scientists, techies and other interesting people who tend to think outside the box. I never hid my disappointment that my last year's participation did…
August 4, 2008
Two years ago on this day, PLoS ONE opened for submissions (and surprisingly many manuscripts - 70 - got submitted immediatelly).
August 3, 2008
The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
August 3, 2008
Classroom 2.0: ...the social networking site for those interested in Web 2.0 and collaborative technologies in education. NoodleTools: Basic Language Literacy: Online Opportunities for Young Writers - Publications Which Accept Student Submissions
August 3, 2008
Emerging Scientific Discipline Of Aeroecology: Aeroecology is the emerging discipline for studying how airborne organisms -- birds, bats, arthropods and microbes -- depend on the support of the lower atmosphere that is closest to the Earth's surface. Fruit-fly Study Adds Weight To Theories About…
August 3, 2008
Today I talked to a low-information voter who always voted Democratic, but it wavering right now, thinks "McCain is kinda cute" and "McCain is likely to pick a moderate for VP" and "if Obama picks Hillary for VP, he'll have me". Arrrgh! My responses: "He is worse than Bush. All Bush wanted was to…
August 3, 2008
August 3, 2008
See those yellow banners around the site today? Click on one of them, or click here and do a quick survey - we are trying to make this a better place for all of you and need to know what you think and what you want. And if you participate you may even win something, e.g., an iPhone 3G, a MacBook…
August 3, 2008
(thanks Sara Aton)