
Profile picture for user clock
Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

August 14, 2008
Middle age is the awkward period when Father Time starts catching up with Mother Nature. - Harold Coffin
August 14, 2008
The two dogs are getting friendlier with each other lately:
August 14, 2008
A very nice column by Olivia Judson: The third reason to teach evolution is more philosophical. It concerns the development of an attitude toward evidence. In his book, "The Republican War on Science," the journalist Chris Mooney argues persuasively that a contempt for scientific evidence -- or…
August 14, 2008
One of the cool perks of being a scienceblogger and going to a meetup this year was the opportunity to go and see the Horse Exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City and to recieve (as we were not allowed to take pictures in there) a CD with some of the pictures. You can…
August 14, 2008
The pillow seems comfortable: But the router is warmer:
August 14, 2008
So, let's see what's new in PLoS Genetics, PLoS Computational Biology, PLoS Pathogens and PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases this week. As always, you should rate the articles, post notes and comments and send trackbacks when you blog about the papers. Here are my own picks for the week - you go and…
August 14, 2008
August 14, 2008
Sleep Selectively Preserves Emotional Memories: As poets, songwriters and authors have described, our memories range from misty water-colored recollections to vividly detailed images of the times of our lives. Now, a study led by researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) and…
August 14, 2008
Now the only cat in the house, Biscuit is the Queen again:
August 14, 2008
Kevin has posted another very long and picture-rich essay from his China survey. Many pictures of interesting reptiles and amphibians, yummy food, and stunning Chinese landscapes.
August 14, 2008
I've been saving this picture for more than a year, not showing it to anyone or posting it anywhere online, not wanting to break the embargo: This was a picture I took of one of the fossils brought to SciFoo'07 by Paul Sereno and Gabrielle Lyon, together with the skull of Nigersaurus. Apparently,…
August 14, 2008
My old neighbor, while I was living in Raleigh, is making some headlines now: Power to the People: Within weeks of completing his master's degree in advanced analytics at North Carolina State University, Arren Fisher scored a job in data analysis at the Laboratory Corporation of America. "It…
August 13, 2008
I think laughter may be a form of courage.... As humans we sometimes stand tall and look into the sun and laugh, and I think we are never more brave than when we do that. - Linda Ellerbee
August 13, 2008
My old friend John Burns is in jail! OK, he voluntarily went there. But, the only way he can get out is if he pays bail, and the only way he can pay bail is if you donate to the Muscular Dystrophy Assocation in his name! * $85 -Fund One Minute of Research * $100 - Support Group Session…
August 13, 2008
Reed Elsevier caught copying my content without my permission: I was not asked for, and did not give, permission for my work to appear on that page, much less in that format. Needless to say, I felt a little slighted. The website in question appears to be a custom version of the LexisNexis search…
August 13, 2008
During our trip to NYC we stayed at the Millennium UN Plaza Hotel (see the reviews here and here): The hotel was built specifically to aid the business of the United Nations next door: The hotel was actually very nice - big room with a big comfy bed. Great location as well (on Friday we took a…
August 13, 2008
Forgetomori Freelancing science Bond's Blog Prehistoric Insanity
August 13, 2008
Larry Lessig reports some exciting, huge and important news: free licenses upheld: So for non-lawgeeks, this won't seem important. But trust me, this is huge. I am very proud to report today that the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (THE "IP" court in the US) has upheld a free (ok, they…
August 13, 2008
This is the 6000th post on this blog. Just sayin'....
August 13, 2008
Four Stone Hearth #47 is up on Almost Diamonds The 93rd Skeptic's Circle is up on City of Skeptics
August 13, 2008
Do you think we can smuggle Juno into the movie theater to watch this with us:
August 13, 2008
Dog to Sport New High-Tech Leg: A German shepherd mix named Cassidy now has a chance to walk on all fours again, thanks to a surgical procedure conducted at NC State that has implications for the future of human prosthetics. During a four-hour procedure last Thursday at the College of Veterinary…
August 13, 2008
More pictures, just a few. Some left out to protect anonymity, but mostly - I did not take that many as I was too busy tasting, and tasting again, and then again, some EXCELLENT wine:
August 13, 2008
I listened with interest to the NPR story about science-related positions of Obama and McCain. Listen to the podcast at that link as the text differs. Now, you can search scienceblogs, or just all blogs, or for instance, DailyKos diaries and learn about details of the two candidates' stands on…
August 13, 2008
I got some old, old pictures of me, in the animal room at NCSU, holding one male and one female Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica):
August 13, 2008
La Blog Atorios is a new Brazilian science blog network (somewhat modeled after Seed Lablogatorios will start with 15 blogs (some more to come) with topics that range from Earth Sciences to Psychology. Our aim is to use blogs to boost scientific communication with the public in…
August 13, 2008
Birds Move Farther North; Climate Change Link Considered: A study by researchers at the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) has documented, for the first time in the northeastern United States, that a variety of bird species are extending their breeding ranges to the north, a…
August 13, 2008
Carnival of the Liberals #71 - Talking Points Edition - is up on Submitted to a Candid World Carnival of Education #184 is up on Joanne Jacobs And don't forget to submit your entries for the upcoming editions of Praxis and The Giant's Shoulders.
August 13, 2008
Pushing Boundaries in Information Visualization: Using Virtual, Immersive and Interactive Technologies in Research & Practice Saturday, September 13, 2008 9am - 4:30pm This workshop will showcase some of the innovative uses of technology in terms of virtual and immersive environments for…
August 13, 2008
Robert Bruce Thompson is the author of Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments, a book I have and like, but cannot really use as it is hard to get the chemicals. Thompson now writes a guest popst on MAKE blog: Home science under attack The Worcester Telegram & Gazette reports that…