
Profile picture for user clock
Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

January 14, 2008
There are 4 days until the Science Blogging Conference. We have 214 registered participants and the registration is now closed. The anthology should be published in time for the event. I have been highlighting some of the people who will be there, for you to meet in person if you register in…
January 13, 2008
Democracy is the recurrent suspicion that more than half of the people are right more than half of the time. - Elwyn Brooks White
January 13, 2008
It's rare that an article combines my two interests - in biological clocks and politics. This one does: Circadian rhythms differ for the king and the president: One is a night owl who likes to do business after midnight. The other is an early-to-bed guy who brags about going to sleep around 9:30 p…
January 13, 2008
The 176th Carnival of the Recipes is up on The Common Room and guess what? My recipe for Stuffed Cabbage is not the only one! There is another recipe for it there so you can compare and contrast!
January 13, 2008
Last-minute odds and ends in organizing the Conference required me to be awake today when I met with Anton, who took this picture to show I was taking it very seriously. Hover your mouse over the cup....
January 13, 2008
Culture Influences Brain Function, Study Shows: People from different cultures use their brains differently to solve the same visual perceptual tasks, MIT researchers and colleagues report in the first brain imaging study of its kind. Aroma Of Chocolate Chip Cookies Prompts Splurging On Expensive…
January 13, 2008
If you post a comment here and it does NOT appear immediately, it is likely in the Junk Folder, which I tend to forget to check every day. Please e-mail me so I can fish it out and republish it here sooner rather than later.
January 13, 2008
Reed alerts me that the Darwin Awards 2007 are up for voting right now - all nasty and stupid ways to die. The only one of these stories that I have heard of before is the story of the guy who entered, buck-naked, the bear cage at the Belgrade Zoo during the Beer Festival. The local press was all…
January 13, 2008
The Boneyard XI is up on When Pigs Fly Returns Natural Sciences Carnival IV is up on Falando pelos Cotovelos
January 13, 2008
...which I totally relate to. Can you guess which candidate they support? If you like one of their signs (e.g., 'Elizabeth For First Lady' one), they have set up a Cafepress store where you can buy them (as well as buttons, stickers and other stuff):
January 13, 2008
Coming up tonight at midnight, according to the Julian calendar.
January 13, 2008
There are 5 days until the Science Blogging Conference. Both Zuska and Karen are urging their readers to contribute questions, thoughts and ideas for their session on Gender and Race in science: online and offline - go help them out!
January 12, 2008
Pekinška Patka - Biti Ružan, Pametan i Mlad The beginning of Serbian punk:
January 12, 2008
People in distress will sometimes prefer a problem that is familiar to a solution that is not. - Neil Postman
January 12, 2008
Is "reshaven" a real word? This is, apparently a matter of some academic interest, according to Alex. I think "reshaven" is applicable in each of the following cases: a) when the shaven area is not an area usually shaven. Example: if you shave your head, then the hair starts growing again, after…
January 12, 2008
OK, this may not be very new, but for all of you taking a look at science in North Carolina next week due to the focus on the Science Blogging Conference, The Scientist has published a number of essays looking at every aspect of Life Science in the state - check it out: The State of Life Sciences.…
January 12, 2008
Guru alerts me to a sweet article about Nikola Tesla and how he is inspiring writers and artists - Tesla Slept Here by Mark Singer in the latest New Yorker : The Tesla saga has provided fodder for an opera, a play, and several biographies. Standing in the lobby the other day, Kinney mentioned that…
January 12, 2008
If you missed it yesterday, you can now listen to the audio recording of the show here (the first 18 minutes or so were on this topic).
January 12, 2008
There are 5 days until the Science Blogging Conference. We have 212 registered participants and the registration is now closed. The anthology should be published in time for the event. I have been highlighting some of the people who will be there, for you to meet in person if you register in…
January 12, 2008
PhysioProf Cognition and Language Lab Writer's Daily Grind OA/UofA Star Stryder Grannyhelen's Kitchen
January 12, 2008
Some Birds Can Communicate About Behavior Of Predators: With the aid of various alarm calls the Siberian jay bird species tells other members of its group what their main predators-¬hawks¬-are doing. The alarm calls are sufficient for Siberian jays to evince situation-specific fleeing behaviors,…
January 12, 2008
International Carnival of Pozitivities 2.7 is up on The Spin Cycle Friday Ark #173 is up on Modulator
January 12, 2008
Rokeri s Moravu - Ja Tarzan a ti Dzejn (Morava is a big river in Serbia) Yes, this is a parody of "newly-composed folk" music of the 1980s Serbia: Ja Tarzan a ti Dzejn lele dunje ranke ja tarzan a ti dzejn lele dunje ranke od moravski krokodili cu pravim opanke pletem vezem i carapke saram sas…
January 11, 2008
Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. - Oscar Wilde
January 11, 2008
Boris Hartl interviews Anton Zuiker , the manager of internal communications at Duke University Health System, founder of, and the co-organizer of the Science Blogging Conference. Excellent read.
January 11, 2008
All the cool kids are doing it, so I did it, too, with no surprises: It is fun, though you know I disagree that ideology can be mapped on a 2D coordinate system. But you can sure play and see for yourself.
January 11, 2008
From an e-mail from the Science Communicators of North Carolina: At noon on Friday, January 18, the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) in Durham will host a seminar by Josh Rosenau, the Public Information Project Director at the National Center for Science Education. Rosenau, who is…
January 11, 2008
Bloggers often highlight e-mail they get. I also get a bunch of loony stuff (and if it is not loony I try to respond, unless it is a medical question which I cannot ethically answer as I am not an MD, or a "do my homework for me" requests from students which I ignore) which ends up in Trash in…
January 11, 2008
Today at 2pm EST, tune in to NPR Science Friday with Ira Flatow for the discussion of the Science Debate 2008.