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Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

February 11, 2007
Yup, like Amanda, Atrios and Ed, I hate the telephone. That is why I don't have the cell phone. That is why my landline phone has an answering machine. If you call and the machine picks up and I actually want to talk to you at that particular moment, I'll pick up. If not, leave a message and I'll…
February 11, 2007
Influence Of The Menstrual Cycle On The Female Brain: What influence does the variation in estrogen level have on the activation of the female brain? Using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Jean-Claude Dreher, a researcher at the Cognitive Neuroscience Center (CNRS/Université Lyon 1), in…
February 10, 2007
Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save. Will Rogers (1879 - 1935), New York TImes, Apr. 29, 1930
February 10, 2007
There are several journals dedicated to biological rhythms or sleep. Of those I regularly check only two or three of the best, so I often miss interesting papers that occur in lower-tier journals. Here is one from December 2006 that caught my eye the other day: Mammalian activity - rest rhythms…
February 10, 2007
It is midnight, Day 10, so the contest is officially over. The winner will be announced tomorrow. But that does not mean that you should abandon reading the Beagle Project blog or helping the Beagle Project get advertised and funded.
February 10, 2007
Hold the dates: October 19-20, 2007 for ConvergeSouth '07 at NC A&T State University. Things are brewing on two coasts to make sure that the 2007 ConvergeSouth is more special than ever. The Web site and blog will be online by March 1 (crossing fingers). We are seeking proposals for…
February 10, 2007
OK, I have a huge sleep debt to pay back this weekend after a long, tough week of sleep deprivation. I taught my lab this morning which is always exhilarating yet exhausting. Today is always a sad day - this is the fourth anniversary of my Dad's death. I'll have a sip of slivovitz before bed in…
February 10, 2007
This is interesting: Study: Sleep linked to brain cell creation: The Proceedings of the National Academy of Science research on rats found that the hippocampus portion of the brain was directly affected by a lack of sleep for a long period, the BBC reported. By depriving rats of sleep for 72 hours…
February 10, 2007
This book, Darwinian Reductionism by Alex Rosenberg, arrived in the mail today. I do not recall ordering it, and I know it used to be on my wishlist, so the only explanation is that this is a gift from one of my readers who chose to remain anonymous. I happen to know Alex Rosenberg and…
February 10, 2007
Your results:You are Poison Ivy Poison Ivy 77% Dr. Doom 73% Apocalypse 63% The Joker 62% Magneto 61% Lex Luthor 61% Riddler 54% Mr. Freeze 54% Juggernaut 49% Dark Phoenix 46% Catwoman 46% Mystique 41% Kingpin 30% Green Goblin 29% Venom 28% Two-Face 17% You would go to almost any…
February 10, 2007
What Famous Leader Are You?personality tests by
February 10, 2007
... I am having fun doing this.
February 9, 2007
This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882)
February 9, 2007
The very first edition of the Carnival of Mathematics is up on Abstract Nonsense
February 9, 2007
Children's Sleep Problems Can Lead To School Problems: It is obvious that young children who have difficulties sleeping are likely to have problems in school. A new study shows that African-American children and children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds fare worse than their counterparts when…
February 9, 2007
Alliance For Science is starting the First Darwin Day Essay Contest for high school students. Go to Neurotopia for all the details about it. I am assuming that this is going to become an annual event. On the other hand, the rebuilding of the HMS Beagle is going to happen only once, for the…
February 9, 2007
The call for submission has been issued: This week's Tarheel Tavern (#103 for those of you keeping score) comes on the Sunday before Valentines Day. In a declaration of vitality and ecstasy, the theme of the Tavern is Utter Transformative Joy. While all submissions will be received like family,…
February 9, 2007
Mendel's Garden #11 is up on Genetics and Health Blog: We Love Genetics... We Love Genetics Not!
February 8, 2007
Time is not like pocket money that you can spend because time is the person spending the pocket money and the pocket money is you. from "The Dead Fathers Club" by Matt Haig
February 8, 2007
Ah, why do I have to be so busy on a news-filled day (no, not Anna Nicole Smith)? I barely saw the computer today. I'd get home, have about 5 minutes before I have to go out again and so on. NPR did not mention Edwards until 4pm or so (that I heard in the car), so when I first got home I only had…
February 8, 2007
John McKay is about to become unemployed. I hear political campaigns are hiring bloggers with forceful voices who speak truth to the power. Perhaps anti-mammoth attack-groups will object if he gets hired.
February 8, 2007
I and the Bird #42 is up on Neurophilosophy blog. Beautiful rendition, formatted like Charles Darwin's diaries from the "Beagle", which - the ship, I mean - as you know (Day 8), is planned to be rebuilt and sailed again, but only if you help.
February 8, 2007
John Edwards: Statement about Campaign Bloggers: The tone and the sentiment of some of Amanda Marcotte's and Melissa McEwan's posts personally offended me. It's not how I talk to people, and it's not how I expect the people who work for me to talk to people. Everyone is entitled to their opinion,…
February 8, 2007
The penultimate installment of lecture notes in the BIO101 series. Help me make it better - point out errors of fact and suggest improvements: It is impossible to cover all organ systems in detail over the course of just two lectures. Thus, we will stick only to the basics. Still, I want to…
February 8, 2007
Foodblogging, Storyblogging, Healthblogging, Bowlging...this is turning into one busy year in North Carolina online. But Anton can't do it alone. Please participate and make the local blogosphere matter!
February 8, 2007
A cornucopia of interesting science today. As always, check if the press release matches the actual paper... Adaptation To Global Climate Change Is An Essential Response To A Warming Planet: Temperatures are rising on Earth, which is heating up the debate over global warming and the future of our…
February 8, 2007
Episode 64 of the Mindcast is up! Karl J. Mogel of the Innoculated Mind blog interviews Phillip Johnson and my SciBling Ed Brayton. The blogpost also contains a number of useful links to information about the Intelligent Design Creationism political movement. You can download the entire episode…
February 7, 2007
We burn daylight. William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616), "The Merry Wives of Windsor", Act 1 scene 4
February 7, 2007
Hwoosh! What a day! Hit-and-run blogging instead of a nice long post about amylase I was getting ready to write.... I went to Raleigh for lunch and to start planning for the next years' edition of the Science Blogging Anthology - stay tuned, there will be more news soon. Of course, I was…
February 7, 2007
[Placed on top for updates...] I think that the whole brouhaha that the extreme wingers are raising about new Edwards bloggers will have a) no effect on Democratic primary voters a year from now, b) no effect on national voters two years from now, and c) negative effect on the wingnutosphere as…