
Profile picture for user clock
Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

February 20, 2007
They are the last ones who should be playing with this fire: Croatia probes Hitler likeness, jokes on sugar packets: Small packets of sugar bearing the likeness of Adolf Hitler and carrying Holocaust jokes have been found in some cafes in Croatia, prompting an investigation, the office of the state…
February 20, 2007
You know that I think that Wimp Factor is one of the most important yet least appreciated books about ideology and politics in recent years. So, I was really glad to see an excellent review of it by Amanda: Regardless of you feelings about whether or not he's got the right reasons for why anxious…
February 20, 2007
Archy gives a detailed explanation of the way Creationists explain away all the problems of the Noah's Ark story.
February 20, 2007
Animal Migration: New Technologies, Global Warming Add Impetus To Research: The February 2007 issue of BioScience, the monthly journal of the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS), includes a special section on animal migration that features six articles exploring biologists'…
February 20, 2007
Storing Digital Data In Living Organisms: DNA, perhaps the oldest data storage medium, could become the newest as scientists report progress toward using DNA to store text, images, music and other digital data inside the genomes of living organisms. In a report scheduled for the April 9 issue of…
February 20, 2007
Grand Rounds, vol. 3 no. 22, is now up on Pure Pedantry. Carnival of the Green #65 is up on Jen's Green Journal Brain Fitness Blog Carnival #2 is up on Sharp Brains. Ron has issued a call for submissions for the next International Carnival of Pozitivities to be hosted by Creampuff Revolution on…
February 19, 2007
Killing time is the chief end of our society. - Ugo Betti
February 19, 2007
More badges have been added. Number #48 has written ME all over: Before coming to the States and getting into grad school in Zoology, I was in vet school and I spent endless hours with my arm up to the shoulder inside horses' recta (and sometimes cows') both treating sick ones and doing some…
February 19, 2007
It is all about sex, the repressed variety.
February 19, 2007
Happy First to Northstate Science! Go say Hello.
February 19, 2007
But, apparently, that is the least of the problems of this study of sexuality in West European menopausal women. BTW, a "visual analogue scale" looks like this: You jot a mark where you feel is the best spot that reflects your answer. The researcher than uses the ruler to put a number on it.…
February 19, 2007
This was a meme I posted back on my birthday last year (May 11, 2006) - it's a shame not to move it to the new archives here.... ------------------------------------------- Carel Brest van Kempen tagged me with the 10 bird meme. A DC Birding Blog started the meme and is collecting the responses (…
February 19, 2007
One of the perks of being a scienceblogger is a steady stream of offers of preview copies of books, as well as willingness of publishers to send one if asked. I have a huge stack of them - some read, some halfway, some waiting for a better future. I've reviewed some of them already. Sooner or…
February 19, 2007
Light-sensitive Protein Found In Many Marine Bacteria: New light has been shed on proteorhodopsin, the light-sensitive protein found in many marine bacteria. Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and the University of California at…
February 18, 2007
At any given point of time, you are exactly what you wanted to be. - Vinny Nayak
February 18, 2007
Robotic Cameras Join Search For 'Holy Grail Of Bird-watching': In the bayous of eastern Arkansas, amidst ancient trees both living and dead that provide nourishment to creatures of the swamp, hangs a high-tech sentinel patiently waiting to capture video of an elusive bird once thought to be…
February 18, 2007
Geocentrism: the True Believers
February 18, 2007
I'm sure PZ is inundated with e-mails from readers asking for a real evo-devo explanation, but in the meantime read the news report and see the picture:
February 18, 2007
Carnival Of The Godless #60 is up on Unsrewing the Inscrutable
February 18, 2007
The 104th edition of The Tar Heel Tavern is up on Freelance Writing for Nonprofits. The theme is 'paying tribute'. Next week, the carnival will be on my old digs, Science And Politics, with no particular theme or topic. Just send your week's best to: Coturnix AT gmail DOT com
February 18, 2007
Ed Cone has a new op-ed up: The way we politick now: Use new media to influence old media, for example, and read the Web to find out what people are talking about outside the campaign bubble. Understand that the news cycle is dead and that stories don't just fade away anymore; the Web operates in…
February 17, 2007
Truth is the daughter of time, not of authority. - Francis Bacon
February 17, 2007
While Aaron Lerner was not a chronobiologist, his discovery of the hormone melatonin in 1958 was one of the key milestones in the biological rhythm research (just see how much I mention it around here) and the chronobiological community will always regard him as one of its own. You can learn more…
February 17, 2007
Kivi is hosting The Tar Heel Tavern tomorrow, so send your entries ASAP: I am also hosting The Tarheel Tavern this weekend, the premiere carnival of North Carolina bloggers. My theme is "Paying Tribute." Since we are close to President's Day, and nobody I know actually honors our presidents on the…
February 17, 2007
Oekologie #2 is up on Perceiving Wholes.
February 17, 2007
While you are reading this in your pajamas, I am enjoying doing this again.
February 17, 2007
Pro-science Dammit Jim! Tick Tock Talk: The IQ brain clock Rosio Pavoris Nove biologije Glive Mockingbird's Medley Once Upon a Time... Paperwight's Fair Shot
February 16, 2007
The last refuge of the insomniac is a sense of superiority to the sleeping world. - Leonard Cohen
February 16, 2007
After writing her side of the story in Salon, Amanda Marcotte is quite busy in the media these days, making various apperances on radio, including NPR's DayTo Day next week. She will also be joining TPM Cafe and has a post up on Huffington Post: Think Tanks, 503s and Rush Limbaugh--What's The Real…
February 16, 2007
Go say Hi to Enrique Gili over on Commonground.