
Profile picture for user clock
Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

February 14, 2007
Female Antarctic Seals Give Cold Shoulder To Local Males: Female Antarctic fur seals will travel across a colony to actively seek males which are genetically diverse and unrelated, rather than mate with local dominant males. These findings, published in this week's Nature, suggest that female…
February 14, 2007
Tangled Bank - Snowy Valentine Edition is up on Lab Cat.
February 13, 2007
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely. Rodin (1840 - 1917)
February 13, 2007
Mercury Rising Blog of the Gods Indexed Bird Advocates Birdfreak's Birding Blog Drifting Through The Grift Chikpea science Deep Thoughts Science, AntiScience and Geology Anomalous Data Lord J-Bar For Democracy, Not Theocracy Drunken Tune J-Walk Blog Educated Eclectic Malaria, Bedbugs, Sea Lice, and…
February 13, 2007
After a whirlwind trip to Thailand and a love affair, Jenna is back in school and her mind is focused on science again. Check out her new pictures from the Herpetology class.
February 13, 2007
I mentioned before that Archy is about to get laid off. Now, he explains his educational beckground, work history and acquired skills so, if you are reading this, and you are in a position to find him a new job, please take a look.
February 13, 2007
Under attack, Pandagon has been down all day. But you can see here (and re-posted here) what scum of the Earth resides on the political Right in this country. This is a good time to read this again. And please find time to read all ten parts of this series on eliminationism in America. Sensing…
February 13, 2007
Last week I had lunch with a good old friend of mine, Jim Green. He got his degree in Zoology, then a law degree (patent law) and is now coming back for yet another degree in biological and chemical engineering. He did his research on snakes, so we reminisced and laughed about the time several…
February 13, 2007
Ten months later (this was posted first on March 22, 2006), he has a tenure-track position there. Not a bad idea to give a good talk at various places.... ----------------------------------------- I have to brag about my famous brother and at the same time provide you with some quality reading…
February 13, 2007
And there's many, many more here. Do not look on empty stomach. I was just about to eat an eclair, but now I think I'll wait a little.... (Via)
February 13, 2007
Scientists Clone Mice From Adult Skin Stem Cells: For cells that hold so much promise, stem cells' potential has so far gone largely untapped. But new research from Rockefeller University and Howard Hughes Medical Institute scientists now shows that adult stem cells taken from skin can be used to…
February 13, 2007
If you are going to be in Chicago in early May, consider attending (or at least donating towards) the Seventh Dinner With a Dinosaur, an annual event organized by Project Exploration - a worthy investment in science education for inner-city kids.
February 13, 2007
Heh. How true. (Via)
February 13, 2007
A very, very sweet edition of Grand Rounds is up on Chronic Babe
February 12, 2007
Time is just something that we assign. You know, past, present, it's just all arbitrary. Most Native Americans, they don't think of time as linear; in time, out of time, I never have enough time, circular time, the Stevens wheel. All moments are happening all the time. Robin Green and Mitchell…
February 12, 2007
Amanda resigned. You know, if they were going to hurl this kind of crap at me every day, I'd have resigned, too. Not just that they lie about what she said and what that means, they even lie about who they are: The Catholic League is the nation's largest Catholic civil rights organization. It…
February 12, 2007
[Moved to the top of the page. First posted at 1:43am] Last year, I collected the links to notable posts about Darwin Day and posted them here. That was fun, so I decided to do it again. I checked the Technorati and Google Blogsearch and took my picks that you can see below. I will update this…
February 12, 2007
The 8th Edition of the International Carnival of Pozitivies (ICP) is up on 2sides2Ron.
February 12, 2007
Way back when, while I was still an active grad student, I was a student representative on the departmental seminar committee for about four years (going through four faculty members rotating through the position). So, I pushed for a Darwin Day seminar - inviting someone to give a talk that is not…
February 12, 2007
Encephalon #16 is up on Mind Hacks
February 12, 2007
This post is a modification from two papers written for two different classes in History of Science, back in 1995 and 1998. It is a part of a four-post series on Darwin and clocks. I first posted it here on December 02, 2004 and then again here on January 06, 2005: II. Darwin on Time There is a…
February 12, 2007
OK, this is really ancient. It started as my written prelims (various answers to various questions by different committeee members) back in November 1999, and even included some graphs I drew. Then I put some of that stuff together (mix and match, copy and paste) and posted (sans graphs) as a…
February 12, 2007
Yes, I was never a member of Boy Scouts (no such thing in Yugoslavia, of course), but I will gladly join the Order of the Science Scouts of Exemplary Repute and Above Average Physique, the brand new organization founded by the folks of World's Fair and the Science Creative Quarterly. Steve of…
February 12, 2007
...when painted base-by-base.
February 12, 2007
Go ahead, rip into them. I know you want to... No Missing Link? Evolutionary Changes Occur Suddenly, Professor Says: Jeffrey H. Schwartz, University of Pittsburgh professor of anthropology in the School of Arts and Sciences, is working to debunk a major tenet of Darwinian evolution. Schwartz…
February 11, 2007
Doing a thing well is often a waste of time. Robert Byrne
February 11, 2007
Utter Transformative Joy - The Tarheel Tavern #103 is up on Scrutiny Hooligans.
February 11, 2007
...memes. Especially when someone tries to track its spread. Especially when they call me "The Thinking Blogger", originating from the eponimous Thinking Blog. Tagged by Greg Laden, so it is really quite simple: 1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make…
February 11, 2007
A bunch of new links on the Basic Concepts and Terms in Science list (or my 'enhanced' list, if you prefer). Bitch PhD has a new (paying!) gig at Suicide Girls News Blog and starts out with a post explaining the Plan B: How Does This Plan Work? Revere on Effect Measure: Freethinker Sunday…
February 11, 2007
As I indicated a couple of days ago, I'll be collecting a big linkfest of tomorrow's Darwin Day posts. This is like an annual carnival I like to do. Make my job easier by letting me know by e-mail when you post one. You know that both Technorati and Google Blogsearch are slow and untrustworthy…