
Profile picture for user clock
Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

July 14, 2006
More adventures in China - new snakes, new local customs... More miscellaneous locations (Dalongtan, Muyu, Bantong) Sorry for the delay, my internet access has been fairly sparse recently, and I have been backed up on my writing (ever since meeting Vanessa and Emma, I've been doing more hanging out…
July 14, 2006
This I first posted on June 24, 2004 on, then republished on August 23, 2004 on Science And Politics. What do you think? Was I too rosy-eyed? Prophetic? In the beginning there were grunts, tom-tom drums, smoke signals, and the guy on the horse riding from village to village…
July 14, 2006
You should check out all of my SiBlings' Friday Blogging practices, then come back here for a new edition of Friday Weird Sex Blogging. Last week you saw an example of a corkscrew penis. But that is not the only one of a kind. See more under the fold... Some birds also have spiral tools. For…
July 14, 2006
Over the last couple of days, there was an interesting exchange of blogposts about the "naturalness" of sex, gender identification and sexual orientation. It is also an excellent example of the need to actually read what other people have written before jumping into the fray with knee-jerk…
July 14, 2006
The microscopic creatures are here. The macroscopic creatures are here.
July 13, 2006
Kevin sent three new reports. This is the first one. Next one tomorrow and the third on Monday. All exactly at noon! Qianjiaping Report (tian-jia-ping) 30 June There were rumors that Dr. Li and Dr. Stanford and Emma were arriving later this afternoon. They were expected around 6:30pm. By the…
July 13, 2006
. This is a post intwo parts - the second being a reaction to the responses that the first one engendered. They may be a little rambling, especially the first one, but I still think that there is quite a lot there to comment on. Great Men and Science Education - Part 1 There is an interesting…
July 13, 2006
This is so basic that I even teach it in Intro Bio: Wherever the master clock may be located (SCN, pineal or retina) in any particular species, its main function is to coordinate the timing of peripheral circadian clocks which are found in every single cell in the body. Genes that code for proteins…
July 12, 2006
Fred Stutzman just posted his latest data on the use of Facebook, this time comparing the incoming college freshmen of Summer 2006 to Summer 2005. Quick notes: - more people enter college with already existing Facebook accounts - less people announce their political affiliation - people have more…
July 12, 2006
Change Of Shift #2 is up on Emergiblog. Jukebox edition of the Carnival of Education is up on School Me!.
July 12, 2006
Carnival of Community Campaigns ....will be a fortnightly roundup of all the best posts put together by local community campaigns, aiming to spread their message - an international forum for local campaigns. The carnival will favour the voices of people excluded from power, people and communities…
July 12, 2006
This post was a response to a decent (though not too exciting) study and the horrible media reporting on it. As the blogosphere focused on the press releases, I decided to look at the paper itself and see what it really says. It was first posted on August 09, 2005. Under the fold... I saw this…
July 11, 2006
Anton notes that Dave Winer is advising John Edwards to start a program to teach North Carolinians to blog. Er, Dave, you've been here several times at various bloggercons. And the bloggercons were here because this is one of the Big Centers of blogging in the country. Why should John Edwards…
July 11, 2006
Last Carnival of Education (teaching, educational policy) was on NYC Educator and the next one is tomorrow on School Me. Last Animalcules (microorganisms) was on Aetiology and the next will be on July 13th, 2006 on Science Matters. Last Change Of Shift (nursing) was on Emergiblog and the next one…
July 11, 2006
Grand Rounds 2:42 is up on Donorcycle.
July 11, 2006
This post from May 07, 2005, was one of the rare personal posts I have ever written. Under the fold.... It is Derby Weekend! Exciting, isn't it? I had to watch the re-run tonight, but I saw it. Giacomo! Who's that!? I love when underdogs win! I practically grew up on the Belgrade Racecourse. Horse…
July 10, 2006
I often ask you to read several posts in succession and make your own connections. Here's a line up of some old and some new posts about the history, current state (and cultural battle) and possible future of the institution of marriage: First off, Lance Mannion wrote a couple of days ago on…
July 10, 2006
This post, originally published on January 16, 2005, was modified from one of my written prelims questions from early 2000. EVOLUTIONARY PHYSIOLOGY OF BIOLOGICAL CLOCKS "Circadian clocks allow organisms to predict, instead of merely react to, cyclic (predictable) changes in the environment". A…
July 10, 2006
Today is the 150th birthday of Nikola Tesla. Here is an attempt to put in one place as much as can be found about the celebrations of his birthday and birth-year, the information about Tesla, the mentions in the media and on blogs, etc. I will keep updating this post throughout the day so,…
July 10, 2006
Today's Quotes of the Day: Nikola Tesla was born at Smiljan in the Lika region of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, an area now in Croatia. After studying electrical engineering at the Austrian Polytechnic at Graz, Austria he became the chief electrician at the phone company in Budapest, then worked for…
July 9, 2006
Dont' forget to write something about Tesla tomorrow for his 150th birthday. If you do, please send me the URL so I can include it in a kind of a carnival-like linkfest for this occasion.
July 9, 2006
72nd edition of Tar Heel Tavern is up on Freelance Writing for Nonprofits.
July 9, 2006
44th edition of the Carnival of the Godless is up on Daylight Atheism.
July 8, 2006
Welcome to the second edition of The Synapse, the new neuroscience carnival. This time, you have a puzzle to solve. Next to each entry, there is an image depicting the structural formula of a neurotransmitter, neurohormone or neuromodulator. Your job is to figure out what they are and leave the…
July 8, 2006
Archy has the answer.
July 8, 2006
Many of us on SB are having problems with Movable Type today. Some of us can post OK, some can post only very short posts with no links and/or no mention of dr*gs etc. Others cannot post at all. This is a test to see if I can post anything. I'll try to post The Synapse late tonight or early in…
July 7, 2006
Carnival of Feminists XVIII is up on Ink and Incapability. Somehow I missed this carnival from my regular Carnival Updates feature. I will rectify that error in the next edition.
July 7, 2006
This post is really ancient - from September 24, 2004 - but it was fun to write, I remember. In the meantime I learned that it is actually official - as an atheist I cannot get elected for any office in North Caroina (and a dozne or so other states). That is written in the state law. Only…