
Profile picture for user clock
Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

June 23, 2006
From L.A.Times (you'll have to click - I am purposefully citing out of context for humorous purposes): Military researchers are considering a study to see whether Viagra could help soldiers function better at high altitudes. High altitudes? How high? Who/what needs to get that high? None of the…
June 23, 2006
Here is the fourth part of Kevin's journey. I have just realized that I posted the previous two in the wrong order, thus post #2 should be third and post #3 should be second. I was going by the order in which I received them instead of dates in the journal. And I am doing these things late at…
June 23, 2006
This was an early post of mine building upon George Lakoff analysis of the psychology underlying political ideology. It was first published on September 04, 2004 (mildly edited): I keep going back to George Lakoff's "Moral Politics", as I did "here" and "here", because I believe this book…
June 23, 2006
Rozerem is a selective melatonin agonist. It acts on melatonin receptors at the suprachiasmatic nucleus. It is prescribed as a non-addictive sleep aid for people having difficulties with the onset of sleep, i.e., falling asleep in the evening. While melatonin itself appears unlikely to be a…
June 23, 2006
Josh Rosenau tagged me with the 4 Meme and I cannot say No. Here it is: 4 jobs you've had (note: I've got a lot to choose from-29, to be exact): 1. Horse trainer and riding instructor 2. Translator of Disney comic-strips from English to Serbian 3. Assistant to the Handicapper and Racing Secretary,…
June 23, 2006
There is a tradition in the blogosphere of posting something light on Fridays. Some people do the Friday Random Ten, but I do not have an iPod, and keep my computer on Mute, so I do not listen to music or can generated a random ten. Most people post pictures of variousanimals, mostly cats, but I…
June 22, 2006
Next edition of the Circus of the Spineless, the wonderful carnival of creepy-crawlies and everything living without a spine, will be hosted by David of Science And Sensibility, a wonderful New Zealand science blog. The carnival should appear on June 30th, so send your entries on time - about a…
June 22, 2006
I went to the Chapel Hill/Carrboro Bloggers Meetup today. Most of the usual suspect opted out tonight, so there were only four of us there, but that did not make it any less interesting. Who was there? Jackson Fox, Dave Johnson, David Warlick and myself. What did we talk about? I talked about…
June 22, 2006
This is one hundredth post since I moved to! Wow - that was fast! And only nine of those are re-published old posts from old blogs. OK, tomorrow at noon will be the second septidieversary (two weeks, OK?) of this blog. Time to take stock again. I got 183 comments in two weeks…
June 22, 2006
37th meeting of the Skeptic's Circle is now a Triangle with a distinctly marine in...Bermuda! Go check it out at Autism Diva.
June 22, 2006
Below the fold is the third report from Kevin. This time it really gets interesting, even fascinating! Hunting snakes, rural China, the people....Kevin has interesting observations about everything. Since the way Kevin embeds pictures in MSWord makes it very tricky to extract them and still…
June 22, 2006
This is an early post of mine concerning the approaches to teaching science. It was first published on March 15, 2005. I have employed both of the methods described in this post since then. The jigsaw puzzle works much better as it is more fun. I have described how it actually went in the…
June 22, 2006
The big day - 150th anniversary of the birth of Nikola Tesla - is approaching fast - July 10th. I am sure that I will remind you of this a couple of more times until then - I have a couple of posts about him in the making - but first look at the older posts in which I have mentioned him so far…
June 21, 2006
The very first edition of Change Of Shift, the new carnival of nursing is up on the wonderful Kim's Emergiblog.
June 21, 2006
A delightful World Cup-themed edition of I and the Bird is up on The Hawk Owls' Nest. A great round-up and an excellent example of creative hosting. Next edition is the First Year Anniversary of the carnival, so it goes back home to 10000 Birds. The theme is "why you blog, why you bird, or why…
June 21, 2006
I am a science teacher. I think I am actually a pretty good science teacher. So, it came to me as a surprise as how much I was baffled by the new SEED AskTheScienceBlogger question: What makes a good science teacher?... The answer, I guess, depends on the precise definitions of the words "makes…
June 21, 2006
Via Accidental Blogger, come these truly amazing photos of Hindu ascetics playing soccer. I wish they qualified for the World Cup! On only slightly more serious note, Ruchira Paul has an interesting post on Soccer and Political Theory. Dou you agree with the premise?
June 21, 2006
Gavin de Beer died on this day in 1972. Aydin Ãrstan wrote the best post for the occasion (also cross-posted on Transitions)
June 21, 2006
Tangled Bank #56 is up on Centrerion. Although I e-mailed in a few posts, none got published - ah, well.
June 21, 2006
My post about sleep has been translated by Davide 'Folletto' Casali into Italian, and posted on his blog. You can see the translated post here. If you can read Italian (and even you do not - just for fun, and to reward his hard work), go and look around his blog.
June 21, 2006
Carnival of the Liberals is up on Varkam's portion of the group-blog Neural Gourmet. This is a competitive carnival where the host picks the Ten Best Posts of the week, out of several dozens entries. I am very happy to see that Top Ten this week include four posts from science blogs, and of those…
June 21, 2006
Saturday, May 27th After revising our strategy - substituting quality for quantity - we had a good night's sleep and woke up at a more decent time on Saturday morning. I took the kids down to the hotel restaurant for breakfast for some delicious pancakes and waffles, while Mrs. Coturnix went to…
June 21, 2006
Here is the first of Kevin's e-mailed reports from China, dated June 1-3, 2006. In it, you will be able to see pictures of some natural beauty he saw in China, then another kind of natural beauty he saw in China, then yet another kind of natural beauty he saw in China.... I love the way he writes…
June 21, 2006
This was my December 29, 2004 post written in reaction to media reports on the "sixth sense" in animals, avoiding the tsunami by climbing to high ground: What's Really Important? This What's Really Not That Important, But I Can't Help It? Did Animals Sense Tsunami? I hate it when they say "sixth…
June 21, 2006
New Teaching Carnival (HigherEd) is up on Raining Cats And Dogma. The latest edition of the Carnival of Education is up on Why Homeschool. Bird-themed Carnival of Homeschooling is up on HomeSchoolBuzz.E
June 21, 2006
Again, Janet has an update: At last count, we've gotten $12,325.59 (not counting the $10,000 match from SEED) from 152 generous donors -- that's an average of $81.09 per donor. There is more, and hopefully more people will donate between now and July 1st.
June 20, 2006
For a particularly juicy manner of dealing with a global warming denier (and general wackjob) Dennis Prager, read Amanda's delicious rant: Gasbag expands as global temperatures rise.
June 20, 2006
Let's see how many people incapable of spelling 'plane' arrive here by the way of Google. But I am talking about a real 'plain' - a big one, in China, and about some very real live snakes as well! A good friend (and ex-neighbor) of mine, Kevin Messenger, is in China right now, surveying…
June 20, 2006
Yes, I know that I am supposed to be the resident expert on all things temporal (check the name of this blog, after all), and I am actually very interested in the topic of subjective perception of time (in humans, among others), but I did not say anything about the latest study on the Aymara…
June 20, 2006
New edition of the medical carnival is up on Psychological Perspectives.