MovableType problems

Many of us on SB are having problems with Movable Type today. Some of us can post OK, some can post only very short posts with no links and/or no mention of dr*gs etc. Others cannot post at all. This is a test to see if I can post anything. I'll try to post The Synapse late tonight or early in the morning, but if that does not work I may have to postpone it until Monday when the tech-guy fixes the problem.

Also, I have not received a single comment in more than 24 hours. We have a new super-tough anti-spam system. I am afraid that it is blocking legitimate comments (and trackbacks). Please try to comment and if it does not "take" e-mail me so I know to tell the tech guy.

More like this

"This is a test. It is only a test.
If this had been your real life,
You would have received better instructions."

-- Did that get through?

Obviously, it went through. I doubt it would have if you had a link in there, but it would be interesting to know if I would be able to rescue it from the "Junk comments" folder or if it would not even get there.

I tried to post something (a post, not a comment) that had the word "sex" in it and it failed.

This is a link to the New York Times.

Here is an informational link to, home of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.