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November 28, 2006
Over at Terra Sigillata, Abel Pharmboy dissects the deeper meaning of the Rozarem ad which features Abe Lincoln, a beaver and a scuba diver telling an insomniac how much they miss him. The ad is hawking Takeda Pharm's latest little sleeping pill. The Rozarem campaign is a departure from the usual…
November 27, 2006
So this morning when I walked into the corridors bisecting our labs from our offices, I was greeted by yellow "caution wet floor" signs and my staff scurrying about like industrious, yet annoyed, ants. Apparently, a major leak developed during the night in a lab on the second floor. The water made…
November 24, 2006
Male chimps apparently dig older females as reported recently in LiveScience. Young chimpanzee tarts cause nary a second look from the guys according to Martin Muller, an anthropologist at Boston University: "The stereotypical view of human mating involves males wanting to be promiscuous and…
November 23, 2006
I see that ol' amino acid chestnut, Mr. W, who also goes by the moniker of tryptophan, is making the "science of Thanksgiving" rounds here at SB. Over at Chaotic Utopia, Karmen offers a very nice piece on the science of concocting an exquisite gravy. But what good is a gravy worthy of peer…
November 17, 2006
From The Trenton Tepal: The White Hand of Saruman recently retired to an herb garden in downtown Princeton, NJ. The White Hand said, "A symbol of corruption and evil can only take so many years of being slapped on the shields and other accoutrements of mage-domination. I am happy to have found…
November 14, 2006
...according to the Most Great Prophet of Pain, Tim Krieder. Go to the Pain archives via the link above to... October 4, 2006 - Contributions of the World's Religions (Part I): Christianity for wholesome TV programming and burning witches and Islam for angry chanting and those excellent bean pies.…
November 13, 2006
An eye-opening publication in the Journal of Human Evolution garnered some press as noted here in The Economist, Eyeing up the collaboration, and Why eyes are so alluring from LiveScience.com Michael Tomasello and colleagues at the Max Planck Institute report that whereas great apes like gorillas…
November 10, 2006
Strap a thong bikini on this baby, cue the sultry bossa nova stylin's of "The Girl from Ipanema," then sit back and sip your caipirinhas. Canna lilies are a familiar cultivar in many gardens, and add a tropical flair in temperate climates. They belong to the family Cannaceae and are its sole…
November 8, 2006
Well, actually he's a physicist, but that's the slogan of a popular bumper sticker here in the 12th Congressional District of New Jersey. Rush Holt, the Democratic incumbent, won handily in yesterday's election. I squirmed when voting for the Democratic senatorial candidate, Bob Menendez, who…
November 3, 2006
OK, this is less than subtle. This is some sort of Anthurium, and also resides in the Haupt Conservatory at the NY Botanical Garden. The spadix is characteristic of the family Araceae (arums).
November 2, 2006
Continued from Look, I'm just a biochemist, part 1*... Recently, I had lunch with a colleague who is concerned about how he is perceived in discovery research. The guy is a sr. scientist in DOPI's leads discovery department which assays something in the order of a gazillion compounds in screening…
October 30, 2006
That is the acronym imprinted on the aqua-colored bracelet, a memento which I, along with a number of others, picked up yesterday at the registration table for the Never Give Up Hope 10K held at Seneca Creek State Park in Gaithersburg, MD. The letters represent "What Would Hope Do?" This woman…
October 27, 2006
Spiked for your pleasure... These rampant beauties are specimens of Echinoposis strigosa and reside in the Haupt Conservatory at the New York Botanical Garden.
October 18, 2006
I, like, really want to be one of the cool kids here on Science Blogs so I am reading The God Delusion by that Oxford don Dawkins. I ventured into what passes as campus town here in Einsteinville, and bought the last copy on the shelf at a proudly independent and somewhat self-congratulatory…
October 13, 2006
...like an Austrian pop star's music video (ca. 1982).
October 12, 2006
A little string of pearls is the perfect touch, even for a planet. Cassini Image Shows Saturn Draped in a String of Pearls Does Saturn, ice cold martini in one hand, feather duster in the other, greet Jupiter at the door after he returns from a long day in orbit?
October 10, 2006
Chimpanzees and humans were given the spotlight in "What Makes Us Different," the cover story in last week's Time Magazine (Oct. 9th). It's not a bad piece for the masses, but I anticipate a few "I ain't descended from no monkey" letters to the editor will appear. Although we at the Chimp…
October 10, 2006
We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell - Oscar Wilde A recent Sunday found my kids and me careening through the Pine Barrens of southern New Jersey as participants in the local "Run with the Devil" MiniCooper rally. Yes, I own one of those goofy little automobiles, and my…
September 28, 2006
Once again those feisty young fellows at Frink Tank have caused my withered ovaries to twitch with faint lust. As a Simpsonophiliac, casual (and sometimes cynical) Dawkins observer, and admirer of All Things Irreverent, I was sent over the edge by this blog gobbet from Not Shitashi. Crazy Cat…
September 22, 2006
Nothing lascivious about this specimen. This is the kind of flower you'd take home to meet mom, dad, the cousins and grandma. Cue Dusty Springfield...
September 15, 2006
Insects and plants co-evolved because insects are the marital aids of flowers. Magnolias entice beetles, apple blossoms seduce their bees, and orchids go to elaborate lengths to draw in horny wasps. But sometimes sex toys go bad and take eating out (nudge, nudge, wink, wink, know what I mean, say…
September 12, 2006
After living here for a couple of years, I'm still a stranger in the strange land of Einsteinville, and I continue to make small discoveries in this precious little community. One of these is Princeton University's predilection for the confluence of art and science. The Lost Boys over at Frink…
September 8, 2006
Worship me, fools. Really, there was no hope for me. My path to nerdocity was shaped by older siblings: my late sister who was a junior high school math and science teacher (originally wanted to be an engineer, but in the late 50's/early 60's, this wasn't exactly encouraged) and my brother who is…
September 4, 2006
From Nicholas Gurewitch's Perry Bible Fellowship:
September 4, 2006
Holy moly. A pant-hoot and a vigorous grooming session go to Frink Tank for unearthing this pile of Christmongering termites.
September 3, 2006
The latest Science Blogs hot topic on Dario Ringach's decision to cease his research struck a Bushwellian nerve or two thousand. Here's an excerpt from Predators Unleashed (see Investors.com, 8/24/2006). A group named Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty has reportedly posted on its Web site the home…
August 26, 2006
Tim Kreider took a break from his cartoonist's luxury vacation to comment on Pluto's debasement. In case you missed it, check this out: The Pain - When Will It End?
August 25, 2006
She waited, yearning, quivering, and she spread her vivid pink petals wide. Then she heard the buzz of his wings then felt the caress of his six legs. "Yes, yes, that's the spot," she cried as she strained and lifted her tender pistils toward him. "Damn," he thought to himself. "Those babies are…
August 24, 2006
My elder kid will leave for college this weekend. I'm going to miss the sprog something fierce. I'm sorry. I'm a little verklempt. Please talk amongst yourselves. Here's a little story about our mother and son camping adventure which you can read while I go wail and rend my garments.…
August 22, 2006
A pant-hoot of appreciation goes out to United Kingdom bonobo, grimupnorth, for passing this along. Adam Kay is a junior doctor from the UK who passes his limited spare time by writing songs, including one about a new wonder-drug called Paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin. He's built up a cult…