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March 5, 2013
By Festival Founder Larry Bock It's strange but true: some of the most prodigious innovations in technology are often not born in the corridors of rational thought and reality, but on the wings of fantasy. I was reminded of this recently while reading the various tributes to legendary science…
March 1, 2013
Celebrating Black History Month with another Role Model in Science & Engineering! "Born to be a mathematician and physicist" we are thrilled that Dr. Sylvester James Gates returns to the Festival as a Nifty Fifty Speaker. Growing up, his father brought him an Encyclopedia Britannica and he came…
February 27, 2013
Celebrating Black History Month with another Role Model in Science & Engineering! Festival Nifty Fifty Speaker & Physicist Dr. Herman White smashes atoms for a living and he loves it! We are honored to have Dr. White as a key speaker for the Festival! To read the full biography of this…
February 22, 2013
Celebrating Black History Month with another Role Model in Science & Engineering! The story of George Washington Carver is fascinating! This Botanist and Inventor possessed a "burning zeal to know everything" about nature from an early age. He used botany and other sciences to create products…
February 14, 2013
Celebrating Black History Month with another Role Model in Science and Engineering: Marie M. Daly was a Chemist and the first African American woman to receive a Ph.D. in Chemistry in the U.S. She became known for her groundbreaking work investigating how diet, cigarettes and other factors affect…
February 12, 2013
TONIGHT- special guests of the First Lady at the State of the Union include USA Science & Engineering Festival X-STEM speaker Bobak Ferdowsi and Nifty Fifty Speaker Jack Andraka!  Bobak Ferdowsi- referred to as NASA's "Mohawk Guy" is a flight director at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. In…
February 4, 2013
In today's blog USA Science & Engineering Festival Fan Dr. Jessica Carilli offers a little advice to those that are pursuing graduate school. Blog post from "Jessica's Blog of Bad Advice"  Go To Graduate School by Dr. Jessica Carilli  This could be the worst piece of advice you will get from…
January 30, 2013
Are you a talented artist that loves science? The USA Science & Engineering Festival is looking for a Mascot and we need YOUR help to design the new face of the largest celebration of science and engineering! We are looking for a mascot design that captures the spirit of the USA Science &…
January 28, 2013
50,000 Fans and Counting!   We are so excited to share the news that the USA Science & Engineering Festival Facebook page now has over 50,000 fans!  Facebook serves as a wonderful medium for us to reach a population of STEM enthusiasts! Facebook is a platform for us to connect with our fans…
January 26, 2013
--Through her studies of air, water and food quality in the Industrial Age, she introduced the word "ecology" to the U.S. lexicon as early as 1892 --First woman admitted to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and first American woman to earn a degree in chemistry Ellen Swallow Richards…
January 25, 2013
The Festival will be unveiling a new program called X-STEM on Thursday, April 24, 2014. X-STEM is a special “Extreme” symposium for middle and high school students featuring interactive presentations by an exclusive group of visionaries who aim to empower and inspire kids about careers in science,…
January 23, 2013
--Director of the famous Hayden Planetarium at the Museum of Natural History, New York City -- Hosted the science TV show "NOVA scienceNOW" on PBS --Named to host new sequel to Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" TV series on Fox later in 2013 In addition to his research, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson is…
January 18, 2013
--Widely considered the founder of modern-day Pediatric Cardiology --Discovered the cause of “Blue Baby Syndrome” in infants, and helped ban the use of the drug Thalidomide for pregnant women in the U.S. --Battled dyslexia as a child, and deafness in the later years of her career For years,…
January 17, 2013
--Called the "Father of the Green Revolution" --Using research in plant genetics, he developed high-yielding, disease-resistant strains of wheat and other crops to dramatically increase food production in poor, developing countries --Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970 for his work In addition to…
January 15, 2013
--Trained as a nuclear physicist, she abandoned that field to travel the world researching the behavior and history of bees --Established the first worldwide organization for exchanging authoritative research information on bees Born in Britain in 1912, Eva Crane earned a Ph.D. in nuclear physics…
January 10, 2013
--Known as the “Lady of the Cells” for her Nobel Prize-winning discovery of NGF (nerve growth factor) which helped unlock mysteries of both normal and abnormal growth of nerve cells in the body --Died recently in Italy at age 103 Even up to her final days of life, Rita Levi-Montalcini -- the…
January 9, 2013
--The key scientist who helped NASA plan and identify the Moon landing location for Apollo 11 --Currently is a leading expert in the study of deserts and how to find and sustain water in such environments in the Arab world Two years before America's historic Apollo 11 moon landing mission was…
January 8, 2013
--Considered the world's foremost expert on chimpanzees --Her research of primates has led the way to giving us valuable insight into our closest relatives in the animal kingdom At the age of 78, famed British primatology researcher Jane Goodall still maintains a hectic schedule. She is said to be…
December 31, 2012
--Known for developing the first highly accurate standardized test for the sexually transmitted infection, syphilis --First black professor appointed at Harvard Medical School Academically talented, William Hinton from the start wanted to be recognized for his achievements instead of his race. As a…
December 28, 2012
--One of the nation's leading historical archaeologists --Using forensics and other techniques, her digging excavations have shed light on a wide-range of historical events –from the life of Naval hero John Paul Jones to the Donner Party ( America's classic story of cannibalism) From the time she…
December 27, 2012
The most memorable remaining landmark from Montreal’s fabulous Expo 67 is the giant geodesic dome designed by architect, engineer and futurist Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983) for the U.S. pavilion. The magnificent 62 meter high dome now houses an environmental museum known as the “Biosphere.” Fuller…
December 26, 2012
--Co-creator and co-founder of YouTube with partners Chad Hurley and Steven Chen --One of the first computer engineers behind the success of PayPal, the online payment service --Recently started his own internet service, Youniversity Ventures Even as a teen, Jawed Karim displayed considerable…
December 21, 2012
--One of the nation's preeminent scientists in neurobotics -- an emerging field that merges neuroscience with robotics --Her work could one day allow artificial limbs to be controlled directly through patients'  brain signals Growing up in Japan, Yoky Matsuoka, driven and highly competitive, was on…
December 19, 2012
--Famous for naming and advancing the scientific concept of “Fuzzy Logic” as well as “Fuzzy Sets” and “Fuzzy Systems” --These concrete principles have been applied to numerous fields – from computer technology to artificial intelligence You've likely heard of the term “Fuzzy Logic” or “Fuzzy…
December 17, 2012
In 218 B.C. the Carthaginian general Hannibal crossed the Alps with his elephants to settle a score with Rome. The perilous journey almost came to an end when his army approached what looked like an impenetrable rock fall. But Hannibal, an ingenious leader, had a trick up his sleeve. Or at least,…
December 14, 2012
-- At age 25,  he co-discovered the synthetic compound norethindrone, which formed the chemical basis of the first oral contraceptive, or birth control pill. --The Pill is often called one of the most important inventions of the 20th century, and for his achievements, Luis’s honors include being…
December 13, 2012
Wonderful story to share about this scientist from Thailand with a deep passion to help others- she truly is a role model in science & engineering! For the full biography of Krisana Kraisintu and all of our role models click here
December 12, 2012
Exhibitor applications are now being accepted for the 3rd Festival! Don't miss out on our Early Bird Special! We invite you to celebrate science at the 3rd USA Science & Engineering Festival, the largest celebration of science and engineering in the United States! The 3rd Science Festival will…
December 11, 2012
Amazing! Read about the impressive life of this Physician Specializing in Aerospace Physiology. To read the full biography of Edwin Muñiz and other role models in science and engineering, click here.
December 10, 2012
Exercise the brain? Click here to read more about how Neurologist Eleanor Maguire studied the training of London Taxicab drivers to challenge the belief that the adult brain is inflexible.