
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

October 27, 2011
This is the biggest thing since Justin Beiber's haircut! Video below the fold. The Daily Show with Jon StewartGet More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook
October 27, 2011
... But he could have. Our local Young Earth Creationist group does run a dinosaur excavation in South Dakota and they do local field trips. But, Don does talk about this experience in a different city: the 2010 meeting last year in Denver took the cake: there was a whole field trip run by YECs…
October 27, 2011
Have you ever had a large lobster? I mean, a really large one, like five pounds or more? They are hard to get these days. Most of the good Maine Lobsters (and all lobsters are Maine Lobsters unless otherwise specified) come from Maine in the US, and Maine has a rule that you can't harvest large…
October 27, 2011
Maggie Koerth-Baker is a Twin Cities based journalist and science editor at Boing Boing. She has bee a guest along with me on Atheist Talk Radio,and I hope to interview her early next year in relation to her forthcoming book, which I am very excited about. Meanwhile, you can see Maggie on Dr.…
October 27, 2011
Well, now's your chance to put him on the spot! Jim, who is famous for his book on the Physics of Superheros and more recently The Amazing Story of Quantum Mechanics: A Math-Free Exploration of the Science that Made Our World, though I knew him originally because of his work with emergent…
October 26, 2011
Suppose you are an intelligent, thoughtful person with a thirst for information, a desire to be challenged, and a tendency to not accept received knowledge at face value. You are embedded in a traditional Christian culture where most of your family, your child's teachers and friends and those…
October 26, 2011
You'll remember that I recently wrote up Shawn Otto's talk at The Loft. The talk was filmed and is now a major motion picture! Now that you've seen the talk, here's your list of things to do: Buy the book here. Sign on to Science here Sign the American Science Pledge here Join the…
October 26, 2011
We've discussed this before. Now, you can watch the film!
October 26, 2011
According to this press release: Scientists have proven that the fungus Geomyces destructans causes white-nose syndrome, a fast-spreading and highly lethal disease of bats. Research published today (Wednesday, Oct. 26) in the journal Nature provides the first direct evidence that this fungus is…
October 26, 2011
Are you adopted or from India? I have a friend who wants to know about her birthmother and family in India, and is seriously considering going to India to check into her own background. I assume she is not the first person who was born in India, adopted by a US family and then got interested in her…
October 25, 2011
It is called Comet Elenin. Latest indications are this relatively small comet has broken into even smaller, even less significant, chunks of dust and ice. This trail of piffling particles will remain on the same path as the original comet, completing its unexceptional swing through the inner…
October 25, 2011
Please note, the whole "left side right side" brain thing is WRONG and we've known it has been WRONG for a very long time. Very. Long. Time. The reality is complex and interesting, but it is probably not what you think. The following video on this topic is pretty good:
October 25, 2011
Update: LeRoy Went Through To The Next Round!!!!!11!!
October 25, 2011
I have a few items for you from the Evolution Front. First, you can have a free copy of an excerpt form the book Spider Silk: Evolution and 400 Million Years of Spinning, Waiting, Snagging, and Mating by Leslie Brunetta and Catherine L. Craig: Click here for the PDF file. That was complements of…
October 25, 2011
A new study confirming the accuracy of existing global temperature records has been ignored by the all the major television news outlets, except for one mention in a CNN news brief. But the omission is most conspicuous at Fox News, which routinely casts doubt on the temperature data, accuses…
October 25, 2011
('born '1927) ('championed 'ai) ('created 'lisp) ('thought-up 'space-elevator) ('won 'turing-award) ('died 'oct-23-2011)
October 25, 2011
"No Child Left Behind" was doomed to be a failure, because it was ill concieved, politically cynical, and underfunded. But like the War in Iraq, the Patriot Act and Tax Breaks for the Rich, and all the other initiatives of the Bush Administration that never should have happened, we have been…
October 25, 2011
Looks interesting, but so far my "highlighting" in ebooks is fairly quirky and has to do with specific objectives I have that others may not know. In other words, sharing them would be potentially problematic considering how easy and common it is to take anyone's words off the web and get all…
October 25, 2011
w00t! My blog post on Urban Heat Islands has won the prestigious Editor's Selection Award from News! See the awarding blog post here, and the awarded blog post here. Thank you Sarah Kendrew. Two other posts won the award as well: Ovarian Cancer at Microfluidic Future and…
October 25, 2011
It is a document linked to a secret society. Here is the translated text
October 24, 2011
A mystery that began nearly 2,000 years ago, when Chinese astronomers witnessed what would turn out to be an exploding star in the sky, has been solved. New infrared observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, reveal how the first supernova…
October 24, 2011
If anyone reading this knows the (Chinese?) dialects being spoken, feel free to throw in a translation! (Or must make stuff up if you like.) Below the fold. May not be work safe. Depending on where you work.
October 24, 2011
Here in the Northern Hemisphere, many of our birds fly away in the fall. Other, very cool birds from even farther north, depending on where you live then arrive. But just about now, where I live, we are at the tail end of the migration out and not quite at the migration in, so this is a good time…
October 24, 2011
This is very nice: hat tip: Got Emacs?
October 24, 2011
When climate changes, causing habitats to move, birds can get up and fly away to a new habitat, so really, they'll be fine. Right? Well, no. Read more.
October 24, 2011
The Universe has been simulated more accurately than ever before. There's a video. More whooping cranes have been shot to death, you can check on the details yourself but I suspect this problem is related to the fact that you can legally hunt some cranes (not whooping cranes) so you accidentally…
October 23, 2011
October 23, 2011
Years ago, I read an old newspaper account of chaos in 19th century New York City; A storm damaged many of the cages at the Central Zoo, and most of the wild animals got out. The next day or two was spent rounding up the animals, and even the mayor and the governor, who were experienced big game…
October 23, 2011
You will recall that I recently reviewed the book Land of Lisp. It turns out I've got two copies of it, and would like to give one away. To you. As a bounty. This is not a contest. It is a bounty. You can "win" a brand new copy of Land of Lisp very easily. What you need to do is to supply the…