
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

July 22, 2010
Huge news, and hat tip to excellent food-policy writer Monica Eng at the Chicago Tribune: In a piece published Tuesday, she details that 300 hospitals in the Chicago area and nationwide have begun preferentially buying and serving meat that is raised without the use of antibiotics.... Huh. This is…
July 22, 2010
Bora continues his interview tradition on his new site.
July 22, 2010
You won't believe this photograph, as usual.
July 22, 2010
I'm one of those dreadful animal-centric zoologically inclined biologists. Plants? What are those? Fungi? They're related to metazoans somehow. Lichens? Not even on the radar. The first step in fixing a problem, though, is recognizing that you have one. So I confess to you, O Readers, that my name…
July 22, 2010
...Let's talk about sex. And let's talk about stress. And then let's talk about how increases in glucocorticoids are not the be all end all of psychiatric pathology.... Are you curious to see how this turns out?
July 22, 2010
Sometimes a whole bunch of stories on the BBC amuse me all at once, even when they are not necessarily funny. Is it because I read them in a British Accent? Or because of the quaint bits that can only happen in an Old World news story? Or is it just that the British are different yet the same…
July 22, 2010
By the Quantum Pontiff. Interesting list. Could be an internet meme.
July 22, 2010
...The park encompasses the giant caldera of a hotspot-fuelled 'supervolcano' that last exploded 630,000 years ago, and is famous as the place to see geysers, hot springs and other hydrothermal activity, all powered by that same hotspot. ... An Epic Post, you must read.
July 22, 2010
In surveying the diversity of living organisms, the 20th century evolutionary theorist Theodosius Dobzhansky did not see "a formless mass of randomly combining genes and traits." Instead he perceived pockets of discontinuity organized around available ecological niches - clusters of occupied "…
July 22, 2010
The anti-Darwin industry among fundamentalist Christians has produced thousands of pages of misinformation in their attempt to tar and feather the theory of evolution. I have responded to many of these false claims previously. However, one assertion that is especially outlandish is that the…
July 21, 2010
Tomorrow we begin the obstetric countdown to goat birthing. This is only our second time 'round with this, and while I'm less nervous than last time (way more nervous than the actual goats, though), I'm still a little worried. Mostly about Selene, who after her bout with meningeal parasite last…
July 21, 2010
Science After Sunclipse rants about Google Books. Here.
July 21, 2010
As many of you know, I moved my blog Culture Dish yesterday from ScienceBlogs, where it's been the past few years. As Carl Zimmer pointed out in his post about PepsiGate and the many bloggers who relocated, moving a blog is no small undertaking. Fortunately, I have a rockstar web designer who…
July 21, 2010
I think the strike is still on. One of the problems we have around here is communication, and it is not just between management and bloggers. Nobody tells me anything. But another problem we have around here is patience. So I'll try to be patient. In the meantime, I continue to blog at my old…
July 20, 2010
... or something. I'll be here, on strike. There appears to be a bit of a work action on, and it appears that I'm going along with it. I'm doing this to make one point, and only one point. Before I make that point I want to make a few other comments. 1) Although I agree with…
July 19, 2010
In those days, one of the hardest things to come by was a good pair of boots. Boots were carefully and painstakingly hand made of relatively rare materials. They were meant to last for years, re-soled now and then, re-heeled a bit more often. I myself barely remember, as a child, bringing the…
July 19, 2010
Knowing the Problem of Induction Through these experiences, I found out how religious people "know" what they know. There could be no doubt, because the words came directly to me while I was experiencing the ecstasy. There was no induction needed, because through those experiences I had the Truth…
July 19, 2010
Breaking news: It seems as though the cap placed on BP's deep sea oil well may be leaking, and there is seeping gas and/or oil from nearby indicating that the oil is leaking from the bore hole into surrounding sediments. A White House spokesman says BP's ruptured oil well is leaking at the top,…
July 19, 2010
Actually, this ad makes be a little hungry.
July 19, 2010
The Twittersphere erupted Sunday when former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin tweeted that "peaceful Muslims" should "refudiate" the mosque being built in New York City near where the Twin Towers once stood. Palin found herself the butt of many tweets, as refudiate, of course, is not a word in the English…
July 19, 2010
It spawned the Mark Williams letter that praised slavery. Then, under pressure from the outside, expelled Williams. But that is not enough. Following is the Williams letter, in case you missed it. Dear Mr. Lincoln We Coloreds have taken a vote and decided that we don't cotton to that whole…
July 19, 2010
It looks like the possible worst case scenario is more than a theoretical possibility. The news on this is vague and unclear, but it seems as though pressure reductions under the newly placed well cap have been detected, indicating that oil and gas in the deep sea wll are going somewhere. The…
July 18, 2010
Where I grew up, lakes were important. We would spend considerable time driving to them, and once there, camp next to them for a couple of weeks. Every now and then we'd go and camp next to the really really big lake. The one with England on the other side, or so my brother would tell me. All…
July 18, 2010
The power of weblogger
July 17, 2010
Do not try this at home. Courtesy: Caldera Girl
July 17, 2010
Read all about it.
July 16, 2010
On the Utility of Dicks For a few bucks, a randy Switzer can have a three pack of condoms delivered by bike in one hour. Researchers create 'lesbian' mice by deleting a single gene Stone Age Dildo Found in Sweden
July 16, 2010
Co-creator of the philanthropic FEED bags, Ellen Gustafson says hunger and obesity are two sides of the same coin. At TEDxEast, she launches The 30 Project -- a way to change how we farm and eat in the next 30 years, and solve the global food inequalities behind both epidemics.
July 16, 2010
This presentation by John Abraham of St. Thomas in Minnesota rips to shreds Christopher Monckton's prior presentation at Bethel College (both religious institutions of higher ed, but of very different characers!). A summary of the Abraham v. Monkinton debate is supplied here, on Class M Planet.