
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

January 3, 2010
One of those cool size videos: Hat Tip: Joanne
January 2, 2010
Nyamuragira, just now erupting, is one of the numerous Virunga Volcanoes, which form a large cluster of volcanoes spanning the border of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda, between Lake Ex-Edward (a.k.a. Lake Rutenzege) and Lake Kivu. The largest population center is Goma, on Lake Kivu, along the southern…
January 2, 2010
... at Observations of a Nerd.
January 2, 2010
Bora has put out a list of SoTen participants as a twinter .... thing. A list or something. Do you follow me on twitter? Are you my facebook friend?
January 2, 2010
Number 46 is up at Adventures of a Free Range Urban Primate.
January 2, 2010
Mount Nyamulagira, 25km (16 miles) from the eastern city of Goma, erupted at dawn on Saturday, sending lava into the surrounding Virunga National Park. About 40 endangered chimpanzees and other animals live in the area. But the country's famous critically endangered mountain gorillas are said to be…
January 2, 2010
One of the world's oldest plants turns out to be a 13,000 year-old scrub oak (Quercus palmeri, or Palmer's Oak) in Southern California. Apparently this tree has survived for so long, despite the fact that it was born in the ice age and there have been numerous climate changes since then, by cloning…
January 2, 2010
Go Vote for somebody in this poll: Who was the most influential female atheist of 2009?'s a poll focusing just on the female voices of atheism. Who do you think was the most influential female atheist of 2009? ... HERE I'm having a very hard time as this list includes some friends, some…
January 1, 2010
Four Stone Hearth #83 the totally cool "The Avatar Edition" ... is manifest at The Primate Diaries.
January 1, 2010
January 1, 2010
Well, yes. But the question raises some interesting points. Does a person endorse near slavery, horrific working conditions, the purchase of moral "indulgences" by the privileged, and the manipulation of the population with religious woo-woo when appreciating the architecture of a medieval…
January 1, 2010
Not everyone can go to SoTen, but the participants in this upcoming bloggy/onliney conference are tying to keep the discussion broad and involve readers and commenters. The latest effort along these lines is by Ed Young who has posted a post (linking to other posts) pursuant to a panel on science…
January 1, 2010
Hat Tip But You Are A Girl
January 1, 2010
is a new organization designed to direct charitable contributions towards atheist/humanist projects. Find out about it here.
January 1, 2010
Selected Peer Reviewed Blogging posts of continuing from previous Junes and Julys: Morning Sickness is not a sickness! The American South, Urban Areas, People of Color, Native Americans ... In short, the poor and disadvantaged ... suffer greatly from poverty-caused neglected diseases The Origins of…
December 31, 2009
In ten seconds: 9 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 OK, everybody back to work, party's over.
December 31, 2009
Rush Limbaugh Loses it all the time. Glen Beck loses it all the time. In the left, Kieth Olbermann loses it about one a week. Chris Matthews is constantly on the verge of losing it. That guy from Court TV lost it too often and he lost his show. Now, Rachel Maddow loses it. And, as we expect,…
December 31, 2009
Ginkgo biloba has failed -- again -- to live up to its reputation for boosting memory and brain function. Just over a year after a study showed that the herb doesn't prevent dementia and Alzheimer's disease, a new study from the same team of researchers has found no evidence that ginkgo reduces the…
December 31, 2009
HP asked me to look at a couple of posts discussing Avatar. I did. SEK at Lawyers, Guns and Money writes of Avitar: ...the film is racist. Its fundamental narrative logic is racist: it transposes the cultural politics of Westerns (in which the Native Americans are animists who belong to a more…
December 31, 2009
Am I a bad person for having uncharitable thoughts?
December 30, 2009
The new Sherlock Holmes movie is, of course, a must see for Holmes buffs, and beyond that ... for regular movie goers ... it is still recommended. The movie is a high-test, quirky, action packed, funny cliff hanger. Having said that, Holmes aficionados will probably get more out of this movie…
December 30, 2009
1: Men have 3 pts more IQ than women, explaining the gender pattern in professional employment that we see. Seriously. I guess we don't need any more STEM related blogging. 2: Jason is stirring up trouble again. Regarding science and religion. 3: What is the consensus on scientific consensus?
December 30, 2009
Short form: Good movie. I think the following review does not have any significant plot spoilers. For me, in retrospect, the movie started before it started with a long multi-part tear-jerking recruiting ad for the U.S. National Guard, followed by a tribute to the troops in Iraq sponsored by…
December 29, 2009
This is Chart 1 from Race, Evolutoin and Behavior by J. Philippe Rushton, originally published in the Unabridged Edition of same.
December 28, 2009
Many people assume human brains vary genetically and genetic variation maps to races. But the races are not real and genetic variation can't explain brain differences. Because, dear reader, brains don't work that way. Let's look just at the brain part of this problem. There are between 50 and…
December 28, 2009
... in Indiana Jones Staff of Kings Co Op mode. Which we figured out and is so hard to do I thought I'd share it. If you don't know what this is in reference to, then you don't need to know the answer. If you do know what this is in reference to than you are desperate to know the answer. First, I…
December 27, 2009
Just go.
December 27, 2009
The following is a guest post by Stephanie Zvan. In this post, Zvan addresses a recent study of "reaction times" and IQ measurements in two study groups distinguished by race. I'll let the post speak for itself, but it is worth nothing that in the ongoing discussion of race and intelligence, the…
December 27, 2009
This will be the topic of discusiion at a new Monthly Political Meetup in Madison, WI. The first of these meetings will be with... ... Shawn Francis Peters. He will discuss public regulation of religious behavior and the current debate in Wisconsin over state law that appears to exempt parents…