
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

December 27, 2009
I wish I hadn't done that. I wish I hadn't convinced my teachers and parents that I was smarter than all the rest. I wish I had spent more time actually learning and studying and working hard than trying to show off to people. ... Mike's latest entry on Quiche Moraine relates to the numerous…
December 27, 2009
.... you be the judge .... Dog: Cat:
December 27, 2009
"Tensions in Latvia...are tense..." .. You know all those silly misquotes and verbal foibles that get passed around the internet that you've heard a thousand times? Here's a bunch that seem newer and less previously heard. At least to me. They are, of course, GNU quotes. Check them out. A…
December 25, 2009
Due to an ovewhelming influx of drek from various commenters, I've turned comment moderation up a few notches. This will probably mean that your comments will be grabbed by the moderation monster no matter what you say or who you are, because the Moveable Type comment moderation system totally…
December 25, 2009
This is the fourth in a series of posts on using Ubuntu Linux specifically written for that select group of people who are smart but non-geek computer users who are using Linux because they are. Just are. How to Install and Remove Software There are a lot of ways to install software, and total…
December 25, 2009
The first Google search page First Atomic Clock Wristwatch How floating cities will work. Albert Einstein Page
December 25, 2009
What? Is it Christmas again? Damn. Every year I wake up on Christmas and realize I totally spaced the solstice. So what am I going to do with this GOAT I forgot to sacrifice????11?? Well, anyway, now that the War on Christmas is over for another year, you can re-read this.
December 24, 2009
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
December 24, 2009
I'm reading that Dan Browne book about the Illuminati. Given that, I doubt this could really happen: This, however, seems very likely to happen:
December 24, 2009
To you, Comrade PhysioProf is anonymous (and pseudonymous). But of course I know his true identity. In fact, I'm a good friend of the PhysioProf family. And I recently came across this document written by CPP's sister when she was a little girl living in New Zealand. I thought I would share it…
December 24, 2009
If you liked the Congo Memoirs, and you live in New York City, you might want to check this out: What strange new species lurk beneath? Join Museum Curator Melanie Stiassny, an ichthyologist, as she discusses her team's adventures and amazing discoveries in Africa's Congo River, the deepest in the…
December 24, 2009
Ray Ingles pointed out this position paper which I think is worth looking at ... Traditionally, Unix/Linux/POSIX pathnames and filenames can be almost any sequence of bytes. A pathname lets you select a particular file, and may include one or more "/" characters. Each pathname component (separated…
December 24, 2009
I've assembled links to a few sites that people new to Linux should consider exploring. About Knoppix Knoppix is a special distro of Linux that focuses on being able to run on and manipulate all hardware. Knoppix was the first (or one of the first) "live CD's" A live CD is a cd you can boot from…
December 24, 2009
I don't like it, but I'll take it. This bill lacks important features and includes some bad things. But, as Satan's greatest feat is to convince us that he does not exist, the Health Care Insurance Industry's greatest feat is to convince us that we can only revise the industry every 15 years. (…
December 23, 2009
Rather than demo another new technology, Tom Wujec reaches back to one of our earliest but most ingenious devices -- the astrolabe. With thousands of uses, from telling time to mapping the night sky, this old tech reminds us that the ancient can be as brilliant as the brand-new.
December 23, 2009
Wed - 15:40: No snow yet. Wed - 15:55: Flurries, a little wind. Wed - 17:01: Roads are being glazed, numerous accidents reported. Wed - 18:08: Going out to check out the weather, buy ingredients for hot dish. And replacement cookies : ( Wed - 19:30 (32F): Ack.... I lost an entry. I'll…
December 23, 2009
Here in Minnesota, we don't get much snow. Minnesotans THINK they get lots of snow, because Minnesota is thought of as a wintry state. But the snowfall here is moderate, not great, in a typical year. If Minnesota were snowy, and Minnesotans could handle that, it would be hard to explain the 400 or…
December 23, 2009
The eternal question ... answered. dogs: cats:
December 23, 2009
Why Greenhouses have nothing to do with the Greenhouse Effect, and more importantly, why CAN'T I microwave toast? A greenhouse is a glass house sealed to keep air in but made of glass allow sunlight in. This sunlight contributes to the heat in the greenhouse by warming the ground or other material…
December 22, 2009
Following our discussion of Twilight a while back, I thought it would be a good idea to get together a bunch of vampires to see what they had to say about it. The conversation got off topic the moment it started, but I did get it recorded with my flip: In case you can't see the video, I also…
December 22, 2009
While living and working as a marine biologist in Maldives, Charles Anderson noticed sudden explosions of dragonflies at certain times of year. He explains how he carefully tracked the path of a plain, little dragonfly called the globe skimmer, only to discover that it had the longest migratory…
December 22, 2009
You might need a refresher on what to do ...
December 22, 2009
This is the third in our six or seven part series on how to use Linux if you are a regular smart person who needs a functioning computer but is not a geek. Today, a few items to know about files. All computer systems keep your data and stuff in file, and you probably know that "programs" (…
December 22, 2009
This post started out as a comment that would have gone here (but would have done just as well here). But it became sufficiently long and possibly interesting that I figured it would make a good, if somewhat rough, blog post. The presumption being examined here is that humans are divisible into…
December 21, 2009
People are very on edge today. More short and ill tempered than usual. I was walking along in Target and had that sense of tension and angst all around me, the feeling that everyone in the store would be happier if everyone else in the store was not there. As I was walking along I had the…
December 21, 2009
Its time for the Miss Informer of the Year Award!!!!!
December 21, 2009
I just want everyone to know that I am awaiting resolution on an order from Trebonics, a used book seller on Amazon. Since I often link to books on Amazon from this site, I want you to know that I'm having trouble with this particular vendor. If they resolve the issue to my satisfaction (which…
December 21, 2009
Every now and then I get out my old Blog Epic on Global Warming and dust it off. I'm thinking it is time to do it again. This is a seven part series of Global Warming that covers much of the basics. Enjoy. Or get mad at me. Whatever. About two years ago, a sea change occurred in the way that…
December 21, 2009
Senate Democrats won a crucial test vote on President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, putting them on track for passage before Christmas of the historic legislation to remake the nation's medical system and cover 30 million uninsured. All 58 Democrats and the Senate's two independents held…
December 21, 2009
Fellow bloggers: You might find this resource to be very useful. I know I will. Intelligence as a human characteristic and IQ as a measure of that characteristic are among the most misunderstood ... often willfully misunderstood ... concepts. Stephanie Zvan has put together an annotated bib of…