
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

April 15, 2009
.... well, ok, not really the worst. But pretty bad. Only read this if you don't have any phobias related to cartoons, small pets, or zeppelins.
April 15, 2009
I told you this Obama dog thing was going t be big. Here's an overview of the situation from NPR. And, you may recall this: Many of you heard the question at President Elect Obama's first news conference, which was mainly about the economy, regarding what kind of dog the girls would be getting as…
April 15, 2009
... so, I'm guessing that the "Re-Education Camps" .. also known as AmericCorps ... are a good idea. This concern on the part of Wackaloon Congresswoman Bachmann (WCB) is is probably valid, to the extent that AmericCorps is in any way educational. Education is always bad for Republicans. This is…
April 15, 2009
"I discovered the new species in 2007 while doing a survey for lichen diversity on Santa Rosa Island in California," said Kerry Knudsen, the lichen curator in the UCR Herbarium. "I named it Caloplaca obamae to show my appreciation for the president's support of science and science education." It's…
April 15, 2009
If you carry out illegal on line activities and do so using a proxy to anonomize your activities, the crime could be considered "sophisticated" and thus a higher form of felony. A key vote Wednesday on new federal sentencing guidelines would classify the use of proxies as evidence of "…
April 15, 2009
Ad competition winner more here
April 15, 2009
It is being suggested, according to this article (which was pointed to by this blogger), that the woman who leaped into the Berlin Zoo polar bear enclosure a couple of days ago was seeking her own death, having become depressed over her job situation. She was an out of work teacher. It has also…
April 15, 2009
The voice of the Republican Party appears to be unable to converse. Originaly from Dusty Trice, via the D.B. web site.
April 15, 2009
Over the last several hours pirates have attacked a US freighter on the way to Mombasa (carrying humanitarian aid). These pirates did not use the usual method of operation. Rather, they ran at the ship with guns blazing and fired rocket propelled grenades right away. The bridge of the ship was…
April 15, 2009
Facebook users have lower overall grades than non-users, according to a survey of college students who also ironically said the social networking site does not interfere with studying. source
April 14, 2009
The other day I wanted to print a single 4 by 6 photo on the all-in-one printer Lizzie gave me last year. I was doing this from my Linux computer. I assumed that this would be tricky because this is one of those machines that's gotta have a complex and strange printer driver and maybe it would not…
April 14, 2009
... that washed up on the beach
April 14, 2009
And other odd moments. Experience the opportunity of a life time. Or at least of an afternoon. Vote for the Best Global Warming Short Video!!!! The thing that looks lie a big white rat in this one is a polar bear: VOTE HERE
April 14, 2009
... but seriously ... even though we all hate it when a bunch of armed and desperate people board a ship of humanitarian relief supplies that they don't own and demand large sums of money, we also know that few people grow up to become pirates without a reason. So let's get some perspective, and…
April 14, 2009
Violence in Nigeria's oil region left 1,000 people dead and cost $24bn (£16bn) last year, a report says, according to an official and activist. Ledum Mitee, chairman of the Niger Delta Presidential Technical Committee, says the figures only cover the first nine months of 2008. Militants and…
April 14, 2009
August Berkshire is the vice president of Atheist Alliance International, past president of Minnesota Atheists and member of the board of Camp Quest of Minnesota. He was president of Minnesota Atheists for a long time and is one of the prime movers in the organized "nice guy" atheist movement.…
April 14, 2009
If we step outside of our chauvinistic inclination to look at evolution as a process with humans as the teleological result of its process, the unfolding story of life's continual divergence makes even more sense. As Klink illustrates, we are but a small twig on a minor branch of the Tree of Life…
April 13, 2009
The judicial panel hearing Coleman's challenge against Franken in the Minnesota Senate Race has made its decision: Franken is the the winner of the election and should be certified. The procedure is this: A ten day period occurs after which the Governor certifies the election. Unless there is a…
April 13, 2009
Because the right wing wacko Republicans have organized a major media event for April 15th (tax day) in which "teabagging parties" will be held across the country. GLIU. then, ROFL. AFAIK, they don't know what it means.
April 13, 2009
It is a ground breaking company, it is a bookstore that is mega mega like few other companies are. It is a bookstore that is a huge corporation. Think about that for a second. Think about bookstores in the old days then think about this thing, Amazon Dot Com. A bookstore that is leading the way…
April 13, 2009
"Yell For Help With Stewie Bronson." Yell for Help! With Stewie Bronson: UNIX trouble - watch more funny videos Hat Tip: LUM
April 13, 2009
A couple of days ago I told you about a "getting started" guide for Linux. Here is another free PDF file that you may find interesting. This is a 170 page Ubuntu reference guide. It predates the current version of Ubuntu, but the vast majority of the contents are 100% useful. You need to go here…
April 13, 2009
This is cool, but it will void your warrantee:
April 13, 2009
Bring your swim suit.
April 13, 2009
A timely repost, given the discussion going on here. The North End, Boston, Massachusetts I'm standing outside Luigi's restaurant having a smoke, and Luigi's doorman had joined me. Across the street yellow stingray is parked, as usual, to block the alley. The word is, the fire escape down…
April 13, 2009
UPDATED: ... at Berlin Zoo Friday afternoon after she climbed a fence and jumped into its habitat during feeding time, police said Saturday. One adult polar bit her several times after she plunged into the moat, police said. Zoo workers tossed rescue rings toward the woman to hoist her out and…
April 12, 2009
... in the movie Observe and Report. Go HERE to see the rest of the commentary as well as the R-rated trailer which shows part of the scene in question. I've got no opinion on this one scene because there is not enough context or detail (having not seen the movie) but the FFFU seems reasonable…
April 12, 2009
In the old days (last week) Somali pirates would occasionally board a ship, there'd be some negotiations, money would change hands, and the ship would be back on track. That was not a good system, but it was a system. Then the first American flagged ship to get taken by the pirates comes along and…
April 12, 2009
The problem with those dang ethnic people is that you can't even pronounced their names. Regarding the difficulty some Chinese and other east Asian people have with conflicts in their own naming system and the naming system assued by, for instance, a state's Motor Vehicle department, Texas (where…
April 12, 2009
Rebecca Skloot just facebooked this story: Scientists Find 'Baffling' Link between Autism and Vinyl Flooring Children who live in homes with vinyl floors, which can emit chemicals called phthalates, are more likely to have autism, according to research by Swedish and U.S. scientists published…