
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

March 19, 2009
Paul Schemlzer has a writeup in Minnesota Independent covering the fallout from the exposure of the exposure of Norm Coleman's donor database. Paul addresses the mean spirited Republican reactions to professional IT consultant Adria Richards, who... ...has been the target of anger from Coleman…
March 19, 2009
Totally stolen from Betul at Counter Minds. Who also has the latest on Darwin's plight in Turkey. Also, see this follow up on the women in careers discussion by A K8, A Cat, A Mission.
March 19, 2009
And I'm not talking about new building projects such as the Bell Museum, though such projects certainly are shovel ready as well. I'm speaking about the simple fact that funding higher education, mainly by funding students, is one of the best possible ways to stimulate the economy. The American…
March 19, 2009
This is interesting, if true, and it is mostly about legislation regulating access to reproductive services at the federal and state level. I have a column written by conservative Charles Biggs that makes the claim that Senator Tom Coburn, Republican of Oklahoma, is "telling us that if the…
March 18, 2009
First, draw a circle. Then, assemble your most incompetent boobs and make sure anyone who is competent you undermine. Such as the case of RNC Chairman Tom Steele ... keep him in power only long enough to demonstrate (because you've totally undermined him) that his sort should be avoided in the…
March 18, 2009
Police officers in northern Scotland have been accused of vandalising a Bronze Age site through ignorance after they removed bones and textiles from the 4,000-year-old burial chamber, apparently because they thought they were investigating a crime scene. The burial chamber, or cist, was discovered…
March 18, 2009
According to this film, lifted from ABATC I made a list using whatever gender cues were given of what was seemingly suggesed for boys vs. girls to aspire to. No great surprizes. Well, actually, there are few slightly surprising items on the girls' list. 1 For Boys: astro-scientist/Astronaut…
March 18, 2009
False starts and cold snaps. A sign of warm weather followed by an icy slap in the face. That's a Minnesota spring. Native Minnesotans pretend this does not bother them, but it does. I can see it in their eyes, and every now and then someone will let out a plaintive wail or even just grunt to…
March 18, 2009
Open source healthcare is forging forward quickly on the Internet. But, fast developments often produce many failures. But, many medicinal open source projects that have gained success development. This success shows that open source alone is not the solitary factor in development. Instead, look to…
March 18, 2009
No, this is not a post about which one is better. Not yet, anyway. I just want to mention that today, March 18th, the next version of Gnome is expected to come out, and yesterday, March 17th, I finished my personal test run of KDE 4.whatever. I like KDE ... the new version .... to recommend it…
March 18, 2009
Hat Tip Miss Cellania
March 18, 2009
Hat Tip: Tim
March 18, 2009
As has been predicted, with the economy in a down turn, businesses (and everybody) are abandoning sucky proprietary software for free and excellent OpenSource software ... A February survey of IT managers by IDC indicated that hard times are accelerating the adoption of Linux. The open source…
March 18, 2009
Illegal aliens are swarming across the border of Michele Bachmann's district. Which is on the border of .... nothing, actually, it is a 'landlocked' district. Uffda. Take a breather. OK, ready? Let's keep going a minute more... Can you handle more? Probably not, and that's OK. Nobody…
March 17, 2009
An important and fascinating post by guest bloggers Shawn Lawrence and Rebecca Otto, at Quiche Moraine. Click here to be educated and entertained.
March 17, 2009
The other day Julia and I were driving somewhere (I had the con) and The Sphynx came up. The reason it came up is not important, but as we were talking, it occurred to ask me ask, "...hey, have you been to Egypt?" "No," she said. And after a moment, "Have you?" I thought for moment and said "No…
March 17, 2009
OK, so there you are having a drink. A drink with an unbrella. Minding your own business. And checking out your Facebook page. And suddenly.... A High Court judge today approved the serving of court papers via Facebook, the popular social network website, in what is thought to be a New…
March 17, 2009
Oh, but wait, he wasn't. But Al Franken IS. That's Franken, zero els. A group promoting United States-Israel ties is raising funds for Norm Coleman with an e-mail that opens by referring to Al Franken by the not-particularly-Jewish-sounding name "Franklin": We are making an appeal for one…
March 17, 2009
On March 29th the Minnesota Atheists will have a Flying Spaghetti Monster Dinner!!!!! Come bring your pirate hat, or arrive as ye be! Minnesota Atheists will be honoring that great noodly deity, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, by dining on noodles prepared in His image. There will be salad, bread…
March 17, 2009
Thick ice is not good ice. Even thick ice can become ice that will break up on you if it experiences warm conditions for a while. Therefore, right now in much of Minnesota, NONE OF THE ICE IS SAFE. None of it. Here is the rule: If you get two days above freezing, it takes two days below…
March 17, 2009
The big risk in practicing science is that you may not like the answer it provides. The previous administration, when faced with results it didn't like, decided to censor the results. I don't see how this makes any sense. How can a government make decisions and policy when the facts are hidden or…
March 16, 2009
My wife just got a link sent to her by a fellow teacher that points to a site that shows visually what a trillion dollars and two cents would look like if you put it all in one place. Check it out: What does one TRILLION dollars look like? But be careful, DO NOT CLICK ON THE SITE. Just use your…
March 16, 2009
A California Condor was apparently ill (with suspected lead poisoning) so it was brought in for treatment. It was then discovered that it had been shot some time earlier . Unable to eat on its own, the condor was under intensive care at the Los Angeles Zoo and its prognosis was guarded, said…
March 16, 2009
At age 62, political activist and actor (Reversal of Fortune, West Wing). He was a co-founder of the Creative Coalition. He was a good Democrat who Went Rogue after 911.
March 16, 2009
This is really good, because I can never get those damn chess sets to go down in one flush. null - Watch more free videos And that was perfect toilet music, don't you think?
March 16, 2009
Dear President Obama, Congratulations on passing the stimulus package! I hope that the stimulus package will help the economy get back on track. One thing that could help is to eliminate some of the approximately five billion dollars a day that we waste as a world economy with closed source,…
March 16, 2009
... cool! Oh, but wait, it's all Flash Multimedia stuff and you have to install extra plugins and that doens't really work that well (their servers may be jammed). OK, NASA is going to eventually have Space Satellites in 3D. Click here to check it out, and let me know if it starts working…
March 16, 2009
... is Here, at Out of the Cradle.