Norm Coleman, Cry Baby Senator, Impotent Inre Database Exposure

Paul Schemlzer has a writeup in Minnesota Independent covering the fallout from the exposure of the exposure of Norm Coleman's donor database. Paul addresses the mean spirited Republican reactions to professional IT consultant Adria Richards, who...

...has been the target of anger from Coleman supporters, including some who had their personal information revealed in the Web site breach. She received a phone call on Friday from one such man. The caller was irate, offering the vague threat, "I live less than a mile away from you!" She later calmed him down.

This report makes it very clear that Adria Richards did nothing wrong. Nor did Read the details here.

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I guess it's just too much of a stretch to hold the person that set up the website responsible. If you can't take the time to find or don't know how to hire competent people to work for you, you should be able to take the heat when things go wrong.

It seems to me that the overriding characteristic of the Norm Colemans of this workd is that they just don't know what they're doing.

Didn't Norm say a long time back that he would concede the election if the roles were reversed?

T. Hunt