
Profile picture for user grrlscientist
Hedwig Pöllöläinen

Posts by this author

April 22, 2008
tags: Lucasberg, wasp, Hymenoptera, behavior, streaming video This streaming video is a fascinating close-up interaction with a wasp by the photographer, who goes by the name Lucasberg. To get these amazing shots, he used a 180mm SLR macro lens. The photographer says the video is a little shakey…
April 21, 2008
Image: NOAA [larger view]. What are you doing today to celebrate Earth Day?
April 21, 2008
tags: chambers street subway art, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC Chambers Street Subway Art #4 as seen at NYC's Chambers Street stop for the A and C trains. Image: GrrlScientist 2008. [larger view].
April 21, 2008
tags: raccoon, Procyon lotor, Image of the Day Central Park raccoon, Procyon lotor. Image: Bob Levy, author of Club George [larger]. Bob Levy writes: It's a little known fact but an incontrovertible one. Having had the opportunity to closely study the Central Park Raccoon population it did not…
April 21, 2008
tags: Birds in the News, BirdNews, ornithology, birds, avian, newsletter American White Pelican, Pelecanus erythrorhynchos. Image: Jerry Kram. [larger size]. People Hurting Birds Jerrould Smith, a dumbass good ol' boy from Sarasota Florida, is charged with animal cruelty after deputies say he…
April 21, 2008
tags: The Blue Bird, Mary Coleridge, poetry, National Poetry Month April is National Poetry Month, and I plan to post one poem per day, every day this month (If you have a favorite poem that you'd like me to share, feel free to email it to me). Male mountain bluebird, Sialia currucoides. This…
April 21, 2008
tags: Bonerol, humor, comedy, satire, streaming video Erectile dysfunction is not just limited to humans. This amusing streaming video is a commercial for a new drug meant to solve doggie erectile dysfunction. Of course, if your dog ends up humping your leg for more than four hours at one go, it's…
April 20, 2008
tags: chambers street subway art, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC Chambers Street Subway Art #3 [Detail from #1] as seen at NYC's Chambers Street stop for the A and C trains. Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [larger view].
April 20, 2008
tags: Flights Against the Sunset, short stories, memoir, birding, bird watching, Kenn Kaufman, book review When Kenn Kaufman was sixteen, he left home in pursuit of a dream; to see more species of birds in the United States in one calendar year than had ever been seen before. Instead of preventing…
April 20, 2008
tags: birds, Northern cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis, ornithology, Image of the Day Note the paper teabag wrapper in the photo. I think it adds a "New Yorkish touch" to its construction. Nest of the Northern cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis, located in a tree in the traffic circle in front of…
April 20, 2008
tags: Birdbooker Report, bird books, natural history books "One cannot have too many good bird books" --Ralph Hoffmann, Birds of the Pacific States (1927). Here's this week's issue of the Birdbooker Report by Ian "Birdbooker" Paulsen, which lists bird and natural history books that are (or will…
April 20, 2008
tags: flowers, NYC, photography Have I mentioned that my allergies have gone bezerk? Another way I know that spring has arrived is when I am stuck purchasing every over-the-counter antihistamine known to humanity and taking two to three times as much as I am supposed to, just so I can breathe. Yes…
April 20, 2008
tags: I Sing of Olaf Glad and Big, E. E. Cummings, poetry, National Poetry Month April is National Poetry Month, and I plan to post one poem per day, every day this month (If you have a favorite poem that you'd like me to share, feel free to email it to me). Today's poem was suggested by a friend…
April 20, 2008
tags: flowers, NYC, photography Restaurants like to use window boxes filled with flowers as a visual barrier between their sidewalk dining areas and the common sidewalk areas. As a result, flowers such as this are common (although still gorgeous). Another sign that spring is here. Red Ranunculus…
April 19, 2008
tags: chambers street subway art, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC Chambers Street Subway Art #2 [Detail from #1] as seen at NYC's Chambers Street stop for the A and C trains. Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [larger view].
April 19, 2008
tags: curbside fruit stand, NYC, photography As soon as the weather begins to improve, the curbside fruit stands reappear like mushrooms after a rain. Generally, the fruits available at these stands are cheaper and of better quality than what you can get in a grocery store. The truly unusual fruits…
April 19, 2008
tags: skyscraper, NYC, photography I took this picture yesterday, when the weather was nearly perfect (nearly perfect for NYC, that is). I have been photographing this particular building ever since I got my digital camera. I like the way that the light is reflected by all surfaces that are built…
April 19, 2008
tags: satire, humor, comedy, outsourcing employees, presidency A friend sent me this hilarious story, which I rewrote and updated and share with you here. "I just don't understand why no one likes me," exclaimed a confused Mr. Bush. Washington, DC -- Congress today announced that the office of…
April 19, 2008
tags: birds, Northern cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis, ornithology, Image of the Day Papa Museum's left eye was unwaveringly fixed on mine. Male Northern cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis. Image: Bob Levy, author of Club George [larger view]. Bob Levy writes: A sure sign that "spring hath…
April 19, 2008
tags: Three Questions, Ralph Black, poetry, National Poetry Month April is National Poetry Month, and I plan to post one poem per day, every day this month (If you have a favorite poem that you'd like me to share, feel free to email it to me). My poetry suggestions are starting to run dry, which…
April 18, 2008
tags: chambers street subway art, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC I finally managed to snap more pictures of NYC subway art. The Chambers Street station on the A and C lines is another one of my favorite subway art stops, so I am pleased to share this one with you. Chambers…
April 18, 2008
tags: mountain bluebird, Sialia currucoides, birds, Image of the Day Female mountain bluebird, Sialia currucoides. This bird surprised birders in Washington state by visiting Bainbridge Island this past weekend. Image: Eva Gerdts, April 2008. [larger view].
April 18, 2008
tags: Design, Robert Frost, poetry, National Poetry Month April is National Poetry Month, and I plan to post one poem per day, every day this month (If you have a favorite poem that you'd like me to share, feel free to email it to me). My poetry suggestions are starting to run dry, which means I…
April 18, 2008
tags: Self Esteem, Creature Comforts, humor, comedy, streaming video This streaming video about self image is a clip from Creature Comforts. [8:51].
April 17, 2008
tags: mountain bluebird, Sialia currucoides, birds, Image of the Day Male mountain bluebird, Sialia currucoides. This bird surprised birders in Washington state by visiting Bainbridge Island this past weekend. Image: Eva Gerdts, April 2008 [larger view].
April 17, 2008
tags: Spring, Thomas Wolfe, poetry, National Poetry Month April is National Poetry Month, and I plan to post one poem per day, every day this month (If you have a favorite poem that you'd like me to share, feel free to email it to me). My poetry suggestions are starting to run dry, which means I…
April 17, 2008
tags: The Hamster, The Popcorn and The Piano, pets, humor, comedy, streaming video After I ran across the recent news story about the murderous hamster, I couldn't resist sharing this video of a pet Siberian dwarf hamster with you to nullify any bad impressions that you might have about hamsters.…
April 16, 2008
tags: free subscription, American Chemistry Did you know that you can get a subscription to the magazine, American Chemistry, for free?
April 16, 2008
tags: Amsterdam Avenue, NYC through my eye, photography I am taking a small break from NYC subway art because I have been too tired to visit the next subway station that I had planned to photograph (constant pain gets really exhausting). Hopefully, I will get out there tomorrow, though. Blooming…
April 16, 2008
tags: Redbud tree, Cercis canadensis, trees, Image of the Day This image was a gift from one of my readers. Blossoms of the Redbud tree, Cercis canadensis. Image: Roger Brown 2008 [larger view].