tags: flowers, NYC, photography
Restaurants like to use window boxes filled with flowers as a visual barrier between their sidewalk dining areas and the common sidewalk areas. As a result, flowers such as this are common (although still gorgeous).
Another sign that spring is here.
Red Ranunculus, Ranunculus abortivus, in a flower box outside a NYC restaurant.
Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [larger].
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Passiflora laurifolia blossom.
Image: GrrlScientist 29 September 2008 [larger view].
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White Ranunculus, Ranunculus asiaticus.
(You can also see some lilac blossoms on the left and more ranunculus on the right). Photographed on the Upper West Side in Manhattan, NYC.
Image: GrrlScientist, 9 May 2009 [larger…