
Profile picture for user grrlscientist
Hedwig Pöllöläinen

Posts by this author

November 25, 2006
How many people do you know who have found a misspelled word in the New York Times -- that wasn't in a letter to the editor?? Well, now you can add me to that illustrious list! I found this word -- misspelled as "hautily"! -- in A Free-for-All on Science and Religion, by George Johnson in the New…
November 25, 2006
This is an amazing video that would work incredibly well in a biology classroom -- it shows the life cycle of an individual cell. It is accompanied by some fabulous music, too! . tags: streaming video, cell biology
November 25, 2006
Statue of Liberty. Image: source. Would you like to learn a few things about NYC? Well this page is filled with interesting facts and pictures and it even has streaming footage from the borough of Queens. . tags: NYC streaming, NYC wired
November 24, 2006
November 24, 2006
tags: Cinerocaris magnifica, Nymphatelina gravida, ostracod, arthropoda, crustacean, fossil, zoology, biology Recently, geologists made a stunning discovery: hard boiled eggs that are over 425 million years old! The scientists, who are from the USA and the UK, discovered a female from a new…
November 24, 2006
Passiflora lutea. This is a companion photo to an upcoming Gulf Fritillary picture. This photo is of Passiflora lutea, one of the native host species for the Gulf fritillary. Notice the prettily lobed foliage. Image: Biosparite. I am receiving so many gorgeous images from you, dear readers,…
November 24, 2006
I see words as providing people with a deeper and richer meaning to their emotional and professional lives, especially because much of our lives rely on words. So not every word that I use in this little feature is completely unfamiliar to you, or at least I hope it isn't, because teaching you…
November 24, 2006
As for me, I am thankful for every one of you, amigos bonitos. Your many comments, emails, cards and gifts, filled with love and encouragement and stories of your own sadness, travails and triumphs have given me courage and so much faith in your humanity and kindness. I cannot tell you how many…
November 23, 2006
I guess that some of you are wondering what the holidays are like in a nuthouse. Perhaps you think they are depressing because we are separated from our families? Or maybe you think we sleep all day? So far, my Thanksgiving is great. I am writing on the computer, with freshly polished fingernails,…
November 23, 2006
Tiger moth, Grammia geneura. The Grammia geneura or "wooly bear" caterpillar sacrifices food quality to imbibe a witches' brew of toxins from various plants to make itself unpalatable to predators and resistant to parasitoids. [AmNat PDF] Image: Biosparite. I am receiving so many gorgeous…
November 23, 2006
A group of wild turkeys tried to make a break out of town yesterday afternoon. The turkeys were spotted with the New Jersey transit surveillance cameras standing on the platfom at Ramsey, which is approximately 20 miles northeast of New York City, appearing to be waiting for the train (above…
November 22, 2006
One thing that bothers me about the holidays is that our politicians o mind their own business instead of causing all sorts of trouble that us bloggers love to attack them for. So as a result, us bloggers have a temporary dearth of snarky comments to share with you. For some bloggers, this is a…
November 22, 2006
I know that there are hundreds of people out there who are wondering what happened regarding today's court date because I have been innundated with comments and email -- all of which I love!! -- so I'll give you the short news and then provide more detail: The hearing was postponed for one week.…
November 22, 2006
Mount Rainier. Orphaned image. Please contact me for proper creditation. I am receiving so many gorgeous images from you, dear readers, that I am overwhelmed by the beauty of the images and the creatures and places in those images. If you have a high-resolution digitized nature image (I prefer…
November 22, 2006
I see words as providing people with a deeper and richer meaning to their emotional and professional lives, especially because much of our lives rely on words. So not every word that I use in this little feature is completely unfamiliar to you, or at least I hope it isn't, because teaching you…
November 22, 2006
I am normally very shy about sharing my poetry but today, i'll make an exception for this quick (but not very good) poem that I wrote for you last night about my impending court date that is designed to involuntarily commit me to a long-term mental health facility, a court date that has kept me…
November 21, 2006
Well, if any of you out there ever fantasized about knowing a lunatic, a real honest-to-god lunatic, well, you know one now: me. All my attempts to negotiate a discharge date with the hospital were flatly rejected, so I am making a court appearance tomorrow morning at a courthouse somewhere in…
November 21, 2006
River Jewelwing damselfly Calopteryx aequabilis. Photographed hile I was doing some stream survey work on a tributary of the Jock River near Ottawa, Ontario, in July 2004. Image: Bev Wigney. I am receiving so many gorgeous pictures from you, dear readers, that I am overwhelmed by the beauty of…
November 21, 2006
I see words as power: words provide people with a deeper and richer meaning to their emotional and professional lives, especially because so much of our lives rely on words. So not every word that I use in this little feature is completely unfamiliar to you, or at least I hope it isn't, because…
November 20, 2006
Green Frog, Rana clamitans. Photographed while I was doing some frog pond surveys as a volunteer working with grad a university in eastern Ontario Image: Bev Wigney. I am receiving so many gorgeous pictures from you, dear readers, that I am overwhelmed by the beauty of the images and the…
November 20, 2006
Fox News ratings went down by 17% in October, while most cable news networks saw tremendous increases in ratings. I guess people are finally growing tired of their ridiculous bias and gossip. Basically, there is no liberal media, there only is only intelligent media and ridiculous media. Oh, and…
November 19, 2006
Recycling has not been especially successful, even in Seattle, which seems to be the city that is most friendly to recycling in the country from my experience (although I might be wrong about this). So, in an effort to encourage recycling throughout the nation, what would you say about imposing…
November 19, 2006
Where do stars form? One place, star forming regions known as "EGGs", are uncovered at the end of this giant pillar of gas and dust in the Eagle Nebula (M16). EGGs, short for evaporating gaseous globules, are dense regions of mostly molecular hydrogen gas that fragment and gravitationally…
November 19, 2006
. Can someone explain to me why is the so-called "liberal" mainstream media even listening to Tom Delay? Especially because Delay is no paragon of morality since he was caught with his fat hand in the lobbyist scandal cookie jar recently. Besides all of Delay's shenanigans, isn't Pelosi (pictured…
November 19, 2006
If I had to choose between being a democrat or a rethuglican, well, I'd choose democrat, however, I am more of a rational humanist than I am anything else. But just for shits and giggles, I decided to take this quiz, now that the democrats are hanging on to control of the congress by their…
November 19, 2006
Speaking of flip-flopping, it appears that the rethuglicans hold the World Record for flip-flopping. For example, Senator McCain -- I am still waiting for him to fulfill his promise to the American people by committing suicide -- has recently flip-flopped on his position regarding abortion rights.…
November 19, 2006
I have finally gotten back on track with my book reading and daily search for my word-of-the-day. As you might have guessed, I find these words in my regular everyday reading, instead of picking them out of a vocabulary list somewhere. I found this under-used word in the articulate polemic, The…
November 18, 2006
Hairy Woodpecker, Picoides villosus, Hairy woodpecker at a suet feeder who could probably do with a napkin. The photo was taken at Sullys Hill National Wildlife Preserve, North Dakota. Image: justawriter. This is another image sent to cheer me up and to brighten your day, too! I am receiving so…
November 18, 2006
This test supposedly predicts your "luck quotient", but I am not sure I believe it. My own results surprised me, especially considering my life these past three years, which has been rather unlucky. Anyway, you can take the luck test yourself (and hopefully share your score with me!) and you can…
November 17, 2006
Quite a few readers have been writing with questions regarding my hospitalization. For awhile, I was writing private email to those who wrote, telling you the highlights (or perhaps I should refer to them as "lowlights"?) of those events that have transpired over the previous 100 days. I will tell…