Think of Me

I am normally very shy about sharing my poetry but today, i'll make an exception for this quick (but not very good) poem that I wrote for you last night about my impending court date that is designed to involuntarily commit me to a long-term mental health facility, a court date that has kept me awake and nauseous most of the night. This is a scheduled posting, so I can't even give you an update as to where I am located at this precise moment or what I am doing at this point in time. But I can tell you that I will be thinking of all of you, dear readers, all of you from around the world and your beautiful messages.

Think of Me
by GrrlScientist

Think of me today
when you sip your morning coffee
eat a chocolate chip cookie for me


inhale morning birdsong and
let the sun stroke your silky skin
save a ladybug from your window

for me

Think of me today as
my captors carry me away
to face my demons in the city


Should we never meet again
please remember me fondly
remember me, think of me


remember the images
pictures, words, and thoughts
that we shared here, and then

think of me

but don't forget that
everything is electrons
and ultimately, we all will
become electrons again


How the heck did this nuthouse story get started in the first place?


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I'm drinking coffee, thinking of you. Cookies I will make later today.

I'm thinking of you and hoping today goes well for you.

Hedwig, I think of you everyday each time I see my lory.

You will get through this. Take it one breath at a time.


By parrotslave (not verified) on 22 Nov 2006 #permalink

Let us know how it goes, when you can.

You will be 'there and back again'. You will. You must have faith in yourself.

please let us know what's up at soon as you know... you're in my and all our thoughts.

Hedwig, you may be physically alone in Manhattan but there are hundreds of people across the country with you in spirit today. Please post whenever you can and let us know how it went. We won't forget aboutyou, whatever happens.