
Profile picture for user grrlscientist
Hedwig Pöllöläinen

Posts by this author

August 21, 2009
tags: socialized health care, Bill Maher, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, social commentary, streaming video I am one of more than 40 million Americans who cannot afford health care -- and I think America SHOULD have government-funded health care, as Bill Maher points out so eloquently in…
August 21, 2009
tags: New Rules, Bill Maher, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, social commentary, streaming video This video below the jump features Bill Maher's social observations, including his comments about the relationship between raising animals for food and global warming.
August 20, 2009
The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 4331 - 1753 - 1456 - 1172 - 1114 out of 506 candidates registered. I am in third place and sloooowly creeping up on second place. With only 6 weeks remaining, voting is changing rapidly as previous voters reassign their votes and new voters cast…
August 20, 2009
tags: Old Town, Tallinn, Estonia, cities Girl Power in Tallinn, Estonia. Photographed in Old Town, Tallinn, Estonia. Image: GrrlScientist, 22 July 2009 [larger view]. (raw image) This poster is advertizing a student photography show. I just really liked the sign because of the juxtaposition…
August 20, 2009
tags: Old Town, Tallinn, Estonia, cities Streets of Tallinn Photographed in Old Town, Tallinn, Estonia. Image: GrrlScientist, 22 July 2009 [larger view]. (raw image) Emerging from the Olde Hansa restaurant after lunch, it was obvious that the weather had changed once more -- I've never seen…
August 20, 2009
tags: Juvenile Red-winged Blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Juvenile Red-winged Blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus, photographed at Galveston East Beach, Texas. [even the photographer doesn't know the identify of this bird, maybe you can help and come to…
August 20, 2009
tags: How Proteins Are Made From DNA in a Living Cell, biology, molecular biology, DNA, streaming video This video uses the latest research to create an animation of how DNA gives rise to proteins in a living cell. But do you think the word "machine" is correct? I have difficulty with the use of…
August 19, 2009
The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 3877 - 1741 - 1441 - 1165 - 1114 out of 498 candidates registered. I am in third place and sloooowly creeping up on second place. With only 6 weeks remaining, voting is changing rapidly as previous voters reassign their votes and new voters cast…
August 19, 2009
tags: Scientia Pro Publica, Science for the People, biology, evolution, medicine, earth science, behavioral ecology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, blog carnival Image: wemidji (Jacques Marcoux). Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est (And thus knowledge itself is power) -- Sir Francis Bacon. The…
August 19, 2009
tags: Old Town, Tallinn, Estonia, cities Lunch at the Olde Hansa Restaurant. Photographed in Old Town, Tallinn, Estonia. Image: GrrlScientist, 22 July 2009 [larger view]. (raw image) This isn't the best picture I've ever taken, but most of the lighting was provided by candlelight. The interior…
August 19, 2009
I just learned that this blog has been included in the Forensic Science Schools' list of the Top Ten Female Science Bloggers. You should check out their list, since several of my colleagues are also included -- one of whom is male, heh.
August 19, 2009
tags: Grey-backed Camaroptera, Grey-backed Bleating Warbler, Camaroptera brachyura, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Grey-backed Camaroptera, also known as the Grey-backed Bleating Warbler, Camaroptera brachyura (brevicaudata), photographed in Tarangire National Park, Tanzania,…
August 19, 2009
tags: Obama, Bipolar Disorder, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, Onion News Network, ONN, streaming video White House officials admit Obama's extreme confidence and total euphoria over "hope" and "change" were symptoms of a prolonged manic episode. He has since recovered and now is depressed…
August 18, 2009
The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 3848 - 1710 - 1424 - 1157 - 1113 out of 496 candidates registered. I am in third place and sloooowly creeping up on second place. With only 6 weeks remaining, voting is changing rapidly as previous voters reassign their votes and new voters cast…
August 18, 2009
tags: Old Town, Tallinn, Estonia, cities Olde Hansa Restaurant. Photographed in Old Town, Tallinn, Estonia. Image: GrrlScientist, 22 July 2009 [larger view]. (raw image) This is one entrance to the Olde Hansa resturant in Old Town, Tallinn, Estonia. Instead of eating in this restaurant, we went…
August 18, 2009
tags: Old Town, Tallinn, Estonia, cities Windows with Pigeon. Photographed in Old Town, Tallinn, Estonia. Image: GrrlScientist, 22 July 2009 [larger view]. (raw image) This photograph reminds me of some of Edward Hopper's paintings. That lone pigeon looks like how I feel today.
August 18, 2009
Image: wemidji (Jacques Marcoux). Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est (And thus knowledge itself is power) -- Sir Francis Bacon. Scientia Pro Publica (Science for the People) is a blog carnival that celebrates the best science, nature and medical writing targeted specifically to the public that…
August 18, 2009
tags: Bhutan Laughing-thrush, Garrulax imbricatum, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Bhutan Laughing-thrush, Garrulax imbricatum, photographed in Bhutan (recently split from Streaked Laughingthrush, Garrulax lineatus). Image: Larry Gardella, spring 2009 [larger view]. Sony…
August 18, 2009
tags: Walk On The Wild Side, animals, behavior, humor, streaming video Walk On The Wild Side is a brand new comedy series that seeks to provide a long overdue forum for the views and opinions of the animal kingdom [1:54]
August 18, 2009
tags: Gay Christians, religion, humor, funny, streaming video This video is a very silly Not The Nine O'Clock News Sketch about gay christians [1:33]
August 17, 2009
The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 3831 - 1661 - 1394 - 1147 - 1113 out of 491 candidates registered. I am now in third place, and sloooowly creeping up on second place. But I need your votes more than ever to recapture first place, so please ask your friends and relatives to vote…
August 17, 2009
tags: Old Town, Tallinn, Estonia, cities A closer look at one of the buildings overlooking the town square. Photographed in Old Town, Tallinn, Estonia. Image: GrrlScientist, 22 July 2009 [larger view]. (raw image) I couldn't help myself but to imagine what it might feel like to live in one of…
August 17, 2009
tags: Old Town, Tallinn, Estonia, cities Town Square. Photographed in Old Town, Tallinn, Estonia. Image: GrrlScientist, 22 July 2009 [larger view]. (raw image) Walking through the town square made me feel transported back in time to the middle ages, a time that I view as being very mysterious.…
August 17, 2009
Since I have recently developed quite a history of visiting cold and snowy places, often during the winter, I wish to preserve that tradition. I am competing for the opportunity to go to Antarctica in February 2010 -- a dream adventure that I've always wanted to pursue (and almost did pursue when I…
August 17, 2009
This is the sweetest marriage story/congratulations I've ever read.
August 17, 2009
tags: Short-billed Dowitcher, Limnodromus griseus, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Probable Short-billed Dowitcher, Limnodromus griseus, remains were fairly close to a busy industrial road northern Alberta (roughly 300 km northeast of Edmonton) Canada. [short of microscopic…
August 17, 2009
The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 3823 - 1634 - 1374 - 1128 - 1113 out of 486 candidates registered. I am now in third place, and sloooowly creeping up on second place. But I need your votes more than ever to recapture first place, so please ask your friends and relatives to vote…
August 17, 2009
tags: How DNA is Replicated in a Living Cell, biology, molecular biology, DNA, streaming video I still remember when I learned how DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) replication occurs, and it was like a lightning bolt from the sky: it changed my view of the world and a molecular biologist was born. This…
August 16, 2009
tags: Birdbooker Report, bird books, animal books, natural history books, ecology books "How does one distinguish a truly civilized nation from an aggregation of barbarians? That is easy. A civilized country produces much good bird literature." --Edgar Kincaid The Birdbooker Report is a special…
August 16, 2009
Image: wemidji (Jacques Marcoux). Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est (And thus knowledge itself is power) -- Sir Francis Bacon. Scientia Pro Publica (Science for the People) is a blog carnival that celebrates the best science, nature and medical writing targeted specifically to the public that…