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November 3, 2007
Way back in the pre-PhD, pre-baby days I was in the habit of setting goals for myself at the beginning of each month and then assessing my progress at the end of the month. It worked fairly well for me in terms of focusing my efforts on a relatively short list of tasks, and sometimes even managing…
November 3, 2007
The DonorsChoose drive ended a few days ago, and thanks to the amazing generosity of my readers, we were able to raise $1104 for science education in public schools, completely funding 8 projects and partially funding 4 more. 486 students were directly impacted by your donations. All told,…
November 2, 2007
The November edition of Scientiae, the women in science carnival, is up at Green Gabbro. Yami did a great job with the carnival, and I'm having fun reading all the great posts. I'm already looking forward to the call for posts for the December edition.
November 1, 2007
I'm back...and semi-dug out. Minnow and I survived the conference, though not unscathed. There was an unfortunate incident in which Minnow tumbled off the hotel bed and ended up with a carpet imprint on her forehead. But otherwise, it was a successful conference. That said, I don't recommend…
October 31, 2007
Today Minnow and I are flying home to Mystery City and she'll be wearing her costume on the plane. This picture is fulfulling another request for MamaScientist, who writes a great blog Mother of All Scientists, whose Bean is just six months old, and who made a contribution to my DonorsChoose…
October 30, 2007
Note: This piece was originally posted December 14, 2005, while I was a young grad student myself. Some modest advice for graduate students just got passed around our department (by a professor no less). I think Stearns has done an admirable job in being truthful about the realities of graduate…
October 27, 2007
Note: This was written January 30th, 2006. I went on a class field trip on Saturday - we left town at 7 am and didn't get back until almost 8:30 pm. Generally it was a good trip. It met one of my basic requirements in that it wasn't just pile out of the vans, stand around and listen to the prof,…
October 26, 2007
Finally, I've been tagged by Pharyngula's mutating genres meme. I haven't done a meme since moving to scienceblogs, and now I've been tagged with a sciencey one (sort of). I don't know why I am so excited, but I am! Thanks Addy N. If you want to read the latest mutation, go below the fold. First,…
October 25, 2007
Here at Mystery U, there are little signs in the labs that encourage us to conserve electricity, whereas when I worked in a lab in California, signs urged us to conserve water, and in the Northwest, I was encouraged to save trees by using fewer paper towels. These observations have gotten me…
October 24, 2007
At some point. I AM working on my Scientiae submission (they're due Monday, and the theme is awesome.) I'll also try to schedule some re-posts for while I am gone. But at the moment, I am a bit busy getting ready for the trip, writing exams, etc. Plus, the media have discovered that there is a…
October 19, 2007
I'd imagine you are probably all sick of hearing about the DonorsChoose challenge by now, but I'll admit that I'm a bit disappointed by the lack of response I've gotten from you guys. Sure we've raised almost $500, but all of that money has come from just 7 people, including me. Feedburner says…
October 18, 2007
Wow everyone! Thanks for all your suggestions on my last post. I thought I'd respond here, since my comments are plenty long enough.... I'll probably still miss some things though. Re: pumping and breastfeeding. I am planning to nurse on the plane and during the conference proper. Unfortunately the…
October 17, 2007
In a moment of pure foolishness, I decided it would be a good idea to submit an abstract. This was way back in June and the conference was months away. Surely, things would be calm and under control by the time the conference came. Minnow would be sleeping through the night and I'd just pay a…
October 16, 2007
Where we left our story, Minnow and I had arrived on campus for my 8 am lecture. First, just a reminder that my child really is the most easy-going 8 month old in history. I brought along her stroller, a sling, a few toys, and her diaper bag (all already in the car). I figured I'd put her in the…
October 16, 2007
Very little can go wrong on Tuesday and Thursday mornings if I am going to be able to drop Minnow off at daycare and get to my lecture on time. Since Fish leaves for work at 5:30 am, the child waking, loving, tending, and delivering to daycare all fall on my shoulders. Which means that thorough…
October 15, 2007
This weekend, Minnow, Fish, Princess Pup and I went for a hike. We didn't go far. Just enough that we got away from the city and to a spot where we could look out over a lake and see the trees turning colors on the far shore. I've often seen environmental issues framed in terms of our…
October 14, 2007
Profgrrrrl owes me a gift. I know it'll be cool. I wonder if it will be pink. By the end of the calendar year, I will send a tangible, physical gift to each of the first five people to comment here. The catch? Each person must make the same offer on her/his blog. I'd love to send you a little…
October 14, 2007
Tomorrow's Mommy Monday post will have an environmental theme. Here's why: This coming Monday, October 15th, many blogs will participate in the Environment-themed Blog Action Day. On October 15th, bloggers around the web will unite to put a single important issue on everyone's mind - the…
October 13, 2007
In case helping preschool special ed students by providing materials for science exploration isn't rewarding enough, the Scienceblogs overlords at Seed Media have made two really enticing offers. First, Seed is matching the first $15,000 donated by scienceblogs readers during the challenge. I think…
October 12, 2007
I am so pleased that the thousands of scientists who have contributed to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are being recognized for the work with the Nobel Peace Prize. And Al Gore is not a bad guy either. Hearing the news on the radio this morning made my day.
October 12, 2007
This morning I slept the ridiculously late hour of 7 am. Then Minnow woke up and our day got underway. As a result of my laziness and Fish's work schedule, I had to get ready for my day while wrangling a wiggly Minnow. This is actually pretty typical, at least two days a week I fail to get…
October 11, 2007
I'm almost done grading a massive mound of papers by my freshman. There's the usual assortment of dismal writing, hilarious colloquialisms, and insight. It's been an exhausting task (minnow's teething hasn't helped), but also a useful one, because the papers have exposed the continuing…
October 9, 2007
By popular request, Minnow once again graces my banner. Click on over from your feeds and take a look.
October 8, 2007
Wow! I originally picked five projects to include in my DonorsChoose challenge, and within a few days, one of the projects was fully funded thanks to my readers and other donors around the country. As of right now, four of the six projects currently in my challenge have been fully funded, and I'm…
October 8, 2007
I'm writing this on Sunday night, at the end of a really fun weekend. Saturday we spent the morning browsing our neighborhood tag sales, and in the afternoon we explored the natural foods store and bought Minnow a bigger car seat at Target. For the evening, we hired a babysitter, so that Fish and I…
October 5, 2007
After my hard week, I am taking the weekend off, and I'll have limited time to work Monday and Tuesday. However, I'll have some work time to "spare" for a few days after that. Would my time be better spent: a)Writing a third grant proposal for ~$10,000 to fund one student for one semester and give…
October 4, 2007
This week has been the hardest week so far in my first 8 weeks of professorship. I had a grant proposal due today, and two lectures to write on topics I've never formally studied. Monday was chewed up by a doctor's appointment, meetings, and errands, and there were the normal distractions of grad…
October 2, 2007
Read all sorts of wonderful posts by/for women in science at this month's edition of Scientiae. This edition of the carnival was ably hosted by Wayfarer Scientista who selected the theme "mentoring" to get us all going. Thanks, Wayfarer for doing such a great job putting together the carnival. Next…
October 2, 2007
Just a little announcement to let everyone know that the RSS feed now seems to be working for the new website. To subscribe click the RSS button on the upper right or enter: into your feed reader. Hopefully within the next few days, my posts will…
October 1, 2007
Think back to when you were in elementary, middle, or high school. Was there a special science teacher or a really cool experiment you did that turned you on to science? Maybe there was a field trip to an aquarium or zoo that had you bubbling with excitement for weeks afterward? Did you check out…