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April 6, 2006
Our old pal Hans Zeiger, aka Hannity-in-Training, is back with yet another column at the Worldnutdaily that completely distorts the reality of the court cases going on and, predictably, distorts the position of the ACLU. The issue involves the question of whether the government can continue to…
April 6, 2006
The ever intrepid DaveScot has responded yet again on this question of why the Dover school board didn't rescind the ID policy on Dec. 5th, 2005. And while his prior messages were just based on ignorance, he's now added lying to his bag of tricks. He writes: Ed responded again this time his lame…
April 6, 2006
GilDodgen over at Dembski's place has a post with excerpts from an article that appeared in Crisis, a Catholic magazine. The article, written by George Sim Johnston (whoever that is), is about the Darwin exhibit now showing at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. In just the short…
April 6, 2006
The Thomas More Law Center is suing the city of San Francisco claiming an establishment clause violation over a resolution passed by the Board of Supervisors that condemned the Catholic Church's teaching on gay adoption and urged Catholic Charities locally to ignore the Church's directives on the…
April 5, 2006
Another commenter at Dembski's blog tries to answer my post about engineers and evolution. Here is the statement he quotes from me: Of what possible relevance is engineering to evolutionary biology? The average engineer likely doesn't know the difference between a species and a speculum. Why would…
April 5, 2006
It appears that a commenter is trying to top Dave's ignorant question with even more ignorant statements on the subject. DonaldM writes: The question has broader implications than you mention, Dave. If the newly elected board had recinded the policy at their December meeting, prior to the Judges…
April 5, 2006
That really should be the theme of many pro-ID articles. Doug Moran over at Dembski's home for wayward sycophants links to this article in a University of Michigan publication about three UofM professors who are for ID. It begins by credulously citing the DI's famous "dissent from darwinism"…
April 5, 2006
Everyone's favorite ignorant blowhard, DaveScot, has aimed a question at me over at Dembski's home for wayward sycophants. I'll quote the whole question and then give the whole answer: Ed Brayton in characteristic fashion dodges the real question. The new Dover school board was elected partly on a…
April 5, 2006
Why don't I get mail this funny? As usual, Paul answers them with his requisite wit and verve.
April 5, 2006
The other day, William Dembski reported Eric Pianka to the Department of Homeland Security because he and his fellow creationist Forrest Mims claim that Pianka is fomenting bioterrorism. Today, the FBI is going down to interview Pianka in Austin. And today, Dembski is offering a wager concerning…
April 5, 2006
Over at the Panda's Thumb, there's a troll by the name of Larry Fafarman who has been posting under about 50 different names, using proxies to evade a ban. He's apparently posting under the name J Simes now and he's trying, both valiantly and absurdly, to defend the Manzari and Cooper article and…
April 5, 2006
I have a feeling that Michael Francisco got a warning from someone who knows what they're talking about, who told him that he was coming dangerously close to defamation with his post at the DI blog, because last night he suddenly edited his post to make it a whole lot less actionable. That was…
April 4, 2006
Okay, we now have the ability to replace the banner on top of this page (the part that has the title and subtitle of the blog) with something specific to our blog. The problem is that I'm completely clueless when it comes to the use of photoshop or similar programs, so I'm soliciting help from my…
April 4, 2006
This is hands down the winner of April's Robert O'Brien Award. Nothing I read over the next 4 weeks could possibly match the stupidity of this.The DI's newest blogboy, Michael Francisco, has posted one of the dumbest arguments ever uttered in a new post about the Cooper and Manzari article that Wes…
April 4, 2006
This is so cool. I took someone to task for misrepresenting my position and said that they weren't arguing with me but with the "Ed in their head". Jeff Hebert, a longtime reader and a graphic artist, thought that concept was funny and he designed two graphics for me. I'll post the first one on the…
April 4, 2006
Wes Elsberry has caught a major falsehood in an article published by the American Enterprise Institute, written by one of their research analysts (who either failed to do his research or chose to lie about it) and Seth Cooper, formerly of the DI and the attorney who worked with the Dover board on…
April 4, 2006
Someone named Joel B left a comment after a post at Volokh that I just find astonishing, despite being a very common position. The post addressed the recent study showing that Americans view atheists very negatively and this is Joel's explanation for why such negativity is justified. It's a long…
April 4, 2006
As the resident college basketball nut, I suppose I should comment on Florida's national championship victory. This was only the second time ever that a team had gone from unranked to start the season to a national championship (Villanova in 1985 was the other). No one expected this team to be this…
April 4, 2006
No, that's not the name of a new band. Over the last few days, the right wing blogosphere has gone positively apoplectic over Eric Pianka, an ecologist and biologist from the University of Texas, and his prediction that the Ebola virus will wipe out 90% of the human population due to overcrowding.…
April 4, 2006
Tom DeLay is going to announce this morning that he is resigning from Congress. But gosh, I thought God himself had appointed DeLay to "represent righteousness in government"? If that's true - and DeLay didn't deny it when Scarborough said it - wouldn't it be blasphemy to refuse to carry out the…
April 3, 2006
The poster named Kapitano, who took issue with me about the Danish caricatures in a thread below, has his own blog and he's decided to continue the argument there. The problem is, he's completely misrepresenting my position in the process. The first paragraph of his attempt to address it is just…
April 3, 2006
I'm sitting here watching Cynthia McKinney and her attorneys being interviewed by Wolf Blitzer and it's cracking me up. I've always considered McKinney to be little more than a buffoon and a huckster. The moment you submit a bill to crack the government conspiracy against Tupac Shakur, you've…
April 3, 2006
Tim Russert interviewed General Anthony Zinni last night. In the early stages of the Iraq war, I wrote about Zinni a lot. He was the head of the US Central Command, the chief American military officer in the Middle East, until just before the war broke out. He was also one of the generals, along…
April 3, 2006
Carl Zimmer has a terrific blog post on the subject of endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) that should be mandatory reading for anyone who still denies common descent. ERVs are viruses that get inserted into the genomes of other organisms and are inherited by the descendants of that organism. He writes…
April 3, 2006
From an article in a Kentucky newspaper: To William Dembski, all the debate in this country over evolution won't matter in a decade. By then, he says, the theory of evolution put forth by Charles Darwin 150 years ago will be dead. The mathematician turned Darwin critic says there is much to be…
April 3, 2006
Mark Creech, head of the Christian Action League, has replied to an article in Seed Magazine about the Clergy Letter Project and continued to spread the nonsense that I fisked a few weeks ago. In fact, some of it is even worse. He also defends the DI's infamous list of scientists, most of whom are…
April 3, 2006
John Lofton, the reconstructionist wingnut from the Constitution Party, has an interview with Newt Gingrich, author of a new book called The Creator's Gifts: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, that is rather interesting for a couple reasons. First, because Gingrich doesn't seem to know the…
April 2, 2006
As I've worked on writing the preface to our book on the Dover trial, it has struck me how many of the arguments made by ID advocates today are identical to the arguments made, sometimes by the very same people, in defense of creation science in the McLean and Edwards cases in the 1980s. For…
April 2, 2006
John Allen Paulos' column at ABC News is up and it's quite interesting. In addition to his link to this blog concerning the Liberty University debate team, he also discusses a survey that shows that an enormous percentage of Americans have a negative opinion of atheists more than any other group:…
April 2, 2006
This is why I say there is a double standard going on. Not one person has commented on my post where I quoted Bill Maher's great line about Christians 'turning water into whining" and complained that I'm perpetuating stereotypes of Christians or tarring all Christians even though not all Christians…