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Tim Lambert

Posts by this author

January 26, 2010
Imagine, if you will, that the emails stolen from CRU had included fawning comments from an MSM journalist to a climate scientist like this: As a veteran member of the MSM (Vanity Fair and the UK's Mail on Sunday) may I state for the record: Sir, I salute you. Bravo! or this: without Steve's…
January 25, 2010
It's been over two years since John V, used the data to show that the warming trends were the same for "good" and "bad" weather stations. Since then they've collected data on more stations, but still have not published their own comparison. It would be cynical of me to suggest…
January 24, 2010
The Tyee has published an extract from a book by Donald Gutstein on corporate propaganda in Canada: In the years since the Stockholm Treaty was signed, readers of Canadian newspapers have not had an opportunity for Greenpeace's position on DDT to be explained to them by Greenpeace itself. The only…
January 23, 2010
After embracing Monckton's theory that Copenhagen was going to introduce a COMMUNIST WORLD GOVERMENT, Jane Albrechtsen seems to backing away from Monckton's conspiracy theories: Unfortunately, while Monckton has mastered the best arts of persuasion, he also succumbs to the worst of them when he…
January 19, 2010
Newspapers such as the London Times are reporting that the IPCC is about to retract something from the AR4 WG2 report: A central claim was the world's glaciers were melting so fast that those in the Himalayas could vanish by 2035. The claim was indeed wrong. John Nielsen-Gammon has written a…
January 19, 2010
Time for more open thread.
January 17, 2010
Christopher Monckton's visit gets covered in the Sydney Morning Herald. On Monckton's argument that climate sensitivity us just one-sixth of the generally accepted value: The argument Lord Monckton mounted has been painstakingly picked apart by several eminent climate-change researchers, but it was…
January 16, 2010
Via Ed Darrell I learn that Patrick T. O'Shaughnessy will give a talk Jan 19 at the University of Iowa on the history of DDT and malaria and the myth about them. O'Shaughnessy has written the definitive account of Operation Cat Drop. Worth a look!
January 14, 2010
Possum Comitatus has noticed a very interesting change in Roy Spencer's presentation of his satelite temperature data. This is the November version: And this is the December version: Spot the difference! Update: Gavin reminds me that in April Spencer was using a ridiculous degree 4 fit to the…
January 11, 2010
Christopher Monckton will trouser $20,000 for an Australian Tour with Ian Plimer on backing vocals. To celebrate both The Australian and The Daily Telegraph printed extracts from Monckton's letter to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd generously offering to brief Rudd about climate science. Monckton…
December 31, 2009
Greetings from 2010. Here is a picture I just took of Sydney's fireworks. Looking through the Sydney Morning Herald's gallery, I find a picture of one of my sons! With a million people out to watch the fireworks, what are the odds?
December 28, 2009
Andrew Mack emails me to draw attention to his paper ("Estimating War Deaths: An Arena of Contestation" by Spagat, Mack, Cooper and Kreutz), which criticizes Obermeyer et al's paper Fifty years of violent war deaths from Vietnam to Bosnia. I commented on Obermeyer et al in this post. I agree with…
December 24, 2009
Here at Deltoid world headquarters we built a gingerbread ruin. Pictures below the fold. The house. Decorated. Note gummi bear heads on roof. The final step to acheiving a fashionable ruin is to let it stand for half an hour while it collapses under the weight of the decorations. Best wishes to…
December 18, 2009
Eric Raymond (the one responsible for the botched analysis of the stolen CRU code) responds to my post on Essex and McKitrick's error in treating missing values as zeroes in a spreadsheet: The error described is so stupid that I have trouble believing a statistician actually made it. Whether…
December 17, 2009
The latest story exciting the denialosphere is being put about by novelist James Delingpole and is based on an analysis (translated here) by a right-wing Russian think tank. Delingpole quotes from a news story: On Tuesday, the Moscow-based Institute of Economic Analysis (IEA) issued a report…
December 16, 2009
Time for a new open thread.
December 15, 2009
Ian Plimer's performance in his debate with Monbiot has to be seen to be believed. Rather than admit to making any error at all, Plimer ducks, weaves, obfuscates, recites his favourite catch phrase, tries to change the subject and fabricates some more. When confronted with the fact that the USGS…
December 15, 2009
Gareth Renowden's latest post on Monckton is pretty funny, but how can anyone compete with this? Monckton said he had "never believed heterosexual HIV is a myth," but insisted that the correct policy at start of any epidemic is to "isolate all carriers immediately," a position he advocated in the…
December 11, 2009
The phrase "hide the decline" from the stolen CRU emails has been taken out of context and construed to refer to a decline in temperatures this century when in fact it was a reference to a decline in tree-ring density since 1961. Steve McIntyre knows this, but instead of a correction, he offers…
December 9, 2009
Remember how the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition made the warming trend in New Zealand go away by treating measurements from different sites as if they came from the same site? Well, Willis Eschenbach has followed in their foot steps by using the same scam on Australian data. He claims that…
December 8, 2009
Not content with publishing George Will's fabrications about the stolen emails (for which, see Carl Zimmer), they now have a piece by climate expert Sarah Palin. The Washington Post simply does not care about the accuracy of the columns it publishes. Let's look at just one paragraph: The e-mails…
December 7, 2009
Josh Nelson has set up as a clearing house to correct disinformation about those emails stolen from CRU. Peter Sinclair's Climate Denial Crock of the Week is on the stolen emails. It certainly seems true that the quote miners almost always misrepresent what "hide the decline" refers…
December 6, 2009
My review of Climate Cover-Up: The Crusade to Deny Global Warming is up at the Firedoglake book salon. It begins: Question: What's the difference between a computer salesman and a used car salesman? You'll have to click through to find out the answer.
December 3, 2009
Time for a new open thread.
December 3, 2009
Andrew Bolt claims that "new research" "once more shows Al Gore faked his findings in An Inconvenient Truth". He offers his own translation of something which he attributes to "Elsevier": (Yes, the company that publishes The Lancet.) Frormer [sic] American vice president and Nobel Prize winner…
December 1, 2009
David Kane asks me to look at two of the strongest arguments made by the "other side" following the break in and theft of data from CRU. OK, once he sees how weak the strongest arguments are, we can all agree that the affair is a beat up. Today I'll look at Eric Raymond's alleged "siege cannon…
November 30, 2009
Gareth Renowden has uncovered the shocking story behind Christopher Monckton's screed at Pajamas Media.
November 27, 2009
Yesterday, I wrote: I wonder how many of the folks accusing NIWA of cooking their data will correct their posts? Of course, the answer was none of them. Instead, Drudge decided that my post was supporting the trumped out charges against NIWA and linked it. As a result, the comments were overrun…
November 26, 2009
Update: A special message to visitors from Drudge: you are being lied to. Global warming is happening and we're causing it, but to avoid dealing with the problem folks are shooting the messenger, attacking the scientists who discovered and reported on the problem. The New Zealand Climate Science…