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Tim Lambert

Posts by this author

July 24, 2008
Gavin Schmidt at RealClimate finds even more mistakes in Monckton's work.
July 24, 2008
Check it out.
July 23, 2008
A new open thread, because the old one is full.
July 23, 2008
Earlier, I predicted: You can bet that Glenn Reynolds, Andrew Bolt etc will be falsely claiming that Ofcom ruled that Swindle was not misleading. And, sure enough, here's Andrew Bolt with a thoroughgoing misrepresentation of the findings: Great Global Warming Swindle cleared ... Yes, there was one…
July 22, 2008
David Rado emails: although the accuracy sections of our complaint were considered under section 2.2 of the broadcasting code, that was not the section that we had complained under. We complained primarily under section 5.7, but Ofcom decided section 5.7 only related to news programmes. We don't…
July 21, 2008
(Via William Connolley). Ofcom, the UK media regulator has ruled that The Great Global Warming Swindle was unfair to the IPCC, David King, and Carl Wunsch and breached a requirement of impartiality about global warming policy. The full report is here. The complaint is a thorough demolition of all…
July 20, 2008
Duae Quartunciae has been more patient than me, and found even more problems with Monckton's paper. Monckton has struck back at the APS. Check out this press release from the SPPI Said, Monckton elsewhere, "Trying to duck the usual process of scientific discourse by arguments about peer-review…
July 19, 2008
Thanks to Drudge, all the right-wing blogs have been touting a story alleging the American Physical Society has reversed its stance on global warming. Joe Romm has the sordid details. The basis for the story is an article published in an APS newsletter (not jornal) by our old friend Christoper…
July 18, 2008
The Australian continues to display its contempt for science, scientists and the scientific method. They've published this piece of AGW denial by David Evans. Last time I looked at Evans he was saying that new evidence since 1999 had changed his mind about global warming, with this new evidence…
July 15, 2008
There seems to have been an outbreak of poetry about me from Right Wing Death Poets (RWDPs). Tim Blair: He was a hero to the blogosphere Across this wide brown land Tim Lambert of With his clue stick in his hand The mighty throbbing clue stick! Tim gripped it like a lance And…
July 15, 2008
Sizzle is a comedy about the making of a documentary about global warming. Randy Olson plays an inept director who interviews a collection of scientists and skeptics and is repeatedly interrupted by his cameraman, who is a skeptic. The people they interview are real, and all of the skeptics have…
July 14, 2008
Last week Drudge hyped a story about how the manufacture of flat screen TVs was causing global warming. Naturally this was seized by denialists to argue that if everything causes global warming there is no point in doing anything about CO2. The story struck me as a beat up -- 4,000 tons of NF3 isn…
July 12, 2008
Glenn Reynolds can't seem to learn that if he links to JF Beck he will get burnt. He links to Beck because Beck claims to prove that: Self-proclaimed DDT expert Tim Lambert was wrong, of course, to claim Europeans did not threaten trade sanctions against DDT users. But all the story that Beck…
July 6, 2008
Time for another open thread.
July 6, 2008
The Australian welcomes the draft Garnaut report by reprinting an error-filled article from the Wall Street Journal. Their editorial even repeats one of the most glaring errors: In proceeding with caution, governments need to be alert to all the facts, including arguments such as those noted by…
July 2, 2008
Adam Shand's claim that it is just an assumption that summer is warmer than winter has achieved international fame. Shand removed any remaining doubt about where he stood with the classic move of copying a long list of papers that he reckoned questioned global warming from a AGW denial website.…
June 30, 2008
In my previous post I noted in his story promoting AGW denial Adam Shand disputed even the most uncontroversial statements (eg "Summer is warmer than winter") from supporters of mainstream science he uncritically accepted everything from the AGW deniers. For example, he agrees with Jennifer…
June 29, 2008
You only have to look at the delight exhibited by Andrew Bolt ("Warming priests defocked [sic] on Sunday") in this story on Channel Nine's Sunday to know that they are promoting AGW denial. The reporter, Adam Shand, makes a pretence of objectivity by having three people from each side. But he…
June 28, 2008
Jim Lindgren believes that a post by Carl Bogus on the DC handgun ban is uninformed. Bogus wrote: A careful study that compared the nine year period before the ban was enacted with the nine years following enactment, and then compared what happened in D.C. with the immediately surrounding areas in…
June 26, 2008
Olive Heffernan on Nigel Lawson's new book: Like many of those who saw the Channel 4 documentary, readers of Lawson's offering on climate change 'An Appeal to Reason' are probably unaware it has been scientifically discredited in almost every review, including one on Nature Reports Climate Change…
June 23, 2008
The punditariat at the Australian has lashed out at bloggers yet again (see here and here for previous examples). This time it's David Burchell, whose thesis is that all bloggers provide is a "vast outpouring of pseudo-expertise and vituperation". Naturally bloggers have responded, with Gary…
June 20, 2008
Remember the wacky satellites cause global warming theory? Maria Brumm has found another one. Global warming has caused a fivefold increase in seismic activity. And this one was published by CBS news (though it's now been deleted) and picked up by Matt Drudge. Brumm comments: Cursory examination…
June 19, 2008
In his latest column, which is about polar bears or something, Andrew Bolt quote mines the NSIDC: And ssshhh. Don't mention that the US National Snow and Ice Data Centre says the extent of Arctic ice is in fact "greater than this time last year". That quote was brutally ripped from its context on…
June 18, 2008
Last year the Tennessee Center for Policy Research made quite a splash with a press release on Al Gore's energy usage: In 2006, Gore devoured nearly 221,000 kWh--more than 20 times the national average. They've just released figures for the past year In the past year, Gore's home burned through…
June 17, 2008
Gregg Easterbrook is an idiot.
June 17, 2008
Time for a new open thread.
June 17, 2008
Eli Rabett has been looking at Joel Kauffman who has published some HIV/AIDS denial in JPANDS and some AGW denial in the Journal of Scientific Exploration. I've mentioned JPANDS here before, but JSE is even further out on the fringe, promoting stuff like UFOs and parapsychology. Rabett has some…
June 16, 2008
John Mashey points me to this site, which claims that microwaves from satellites are causing global warming! Satellite antennas transmit UHF and higher microwaves frequencies all over the planet. Because orbiting Satellites are in the vacuum of space, the microwave transmissions are scattered…
June 12, 2008
Via John Quiggin, Rudy Baum, the editor-in-chief of Chemical & Engineering News has JPANDS number. JAPS [usually abbreviated as JPANDS for obvious reasons] is a curious entity. It is not indexed by Chemical Abstracts Service, Pubmed, or ISI's Web of Science. It has published articles that…
June 11, 2008
Andrew Bolt should have been embarrassed with his unthinking linking, but he is unrepentant: If someone claims to find 24 mistakes in your work and you manage to kind-of defend just three, it might be wiser to actually stay quiet. If you don't actually have the integrity to admit and repent, that…