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Tim Lambert

Posts by this author

November 8, 2011
Australia's carbon tax has been passed by the Senate. Be entertained as Piers Akerman goes barking mad: This is the day the Western tradition of science-backed advancement of the human condition was rejected in favour of paganism. ... We are witnessing the beginning of the end game for Australia…
November 7, 2011
by Men With Day Jobs
November 7, 2011
In a piece ironically titled "Be prudent with climate claims" (behind The Australian's paywall, search for the title if you want to read it) George Pell declares that, unlike him, "many politicians have never investigated the primary evidence." However, if you look at the sources he cites, you'll…
November 1, 2011
David Rose is notorious for fabricating data to claim that global warming isn't happening as well as for fabricating quotes, so this story in the Daily Mail comes as no surprise. Rose presents a graph of temperatures from BEST that purports to prove that global warming has stopped and then quotes…
October 22, 2011
The Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature algorithm seems to work quite well, with coverage by the Economist, the BBC, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the London Telegraph, the Daily Mail, the Los Angeles Times, US News and World Report, the Guardian, the Washington Post, the Independent…
October 19, 2011
Here it is -- the interview that Monckton declared showed that the ABC supported fascism.
October 19, 2011
Alan Shore is making a complaint to ACMA about Andrew Bolt's July 10 editorial on the Bolt report and is seeking feedback on the draft below. His original complaint to Network Ten is here and their response is here. The text that follows is by Alan Shore. It is contended that Mr Andrew Bolt's…
October 18, 2011
Stop me if you've heard this before -- The Australian has published a story with a picture of a bloke standing on a beach to prove that sea levels aren't rising. Mitchell Nadin tells us: At 73, former CSIRO engineer Denis Whitnall has seen many things -- but rising sea levels isn't one of them.…
October 15, 2011
Andrew Gelman on The most clueless political column ever--I think this Easterbrook dude has the journalistic equivalent of "tenure": P.P.P.P.S. When I attack someone too hard in a blog post, commenters often have the natural reaction to defend the poor guy. So for strategic reasons I probably…
October 14, 2011
Dennis Ritchie, creator of C and co-creator of Unix, has died. John Mashey writes: Dennis was an old friend, and I'd heard this yesterday from Doug McIlroy. See this for how Dennis, Steve Bourne and I evolved my PWB stuff into UNIX V7's environment variables. Dennis in particular suggested the…
October 6, 2011
Said and Wegman 2009 does contain original and accurate material. Alas, the original material is not accurate and the accurate material is plagiarised, mostly from Wikipedia. Deep Climate has the details: This paper is the fifth major work that I have analyzed from Wegman and Said. From the 2006…
September 30, 2011
September 30, 2011
Andrew Bolt has been held liable of violating the Racial Discrimination Act for writing two columns intended to offend and humiliate several people because they were Aboriginal. Bolt lost because his writing was not done reasonably and in good faith, which we know is characteristic of his work in…
September 21, 2011
Andrew Gelman details yet another case of apparent plagiarism by Edward Wegman. This one is a copy and paste from Wikipedia that manages to introduce an obvious error, claiming that a d-dimensional cube has only 2d vertices instead of 2^d. Gelman gets all sarcastic: [Note to Drs. Wegman and Said…
September 16, 2011
Robert Manne's Quarterly Essay is 40,000 words on the malign influence of The Australian on public affairs in this country. You can read an extract here and watch an interview with Manne here. Also of interest is commentary on Manne's essay from Tim Dunlop who asks "why anybody continues to take…
September 14, 2011
The Climate Reality Project is doing a live broadcast at 7pm in every time zone. If I got the embed correct, you can watch it below. target="_blank">Free desktop streaming application by Ustream
September 14, 2011
Astrophysicist Matthew Bailes writes in The Conversation: Recently my colleagues and I announced the discovery of a remarkable planet orbiting a special kind of star known as a pulsar. Based on the planet's density, and the likely history of its system, we concluded that it was certain to be…
September 12, 2011
By popular request, here is the Jonas thread. All comments by Jonas and replies to his comments belong in this thread.
September 6, 2011
Andrew Dessler's new paper (preprint here) makes it clear just how bad Spencer and Braswell (2011) is. Spencer and Braswell assumed that changes in clouds were a stronger influence on temperature changes than changes in ocean heat content. Dessler used observations to show that the ocean heat…
September 2, 2011
Wolfgang Wagner, Editor-in-Chief of Remote Sensing writes: Peer-reviewed journals are a pillar of modern science. Their aim is to achieve highest scientific standards by carrying out a rigorous peer review that is, as a minimum requirement, supposed to be able to identify fundamental methodological…
September 1, 2011
Haydn Washington author (along with John Cook) of Climate Change Denial: Heads in the Sand is interviewed on Steaming Toad:
August 31, 2011
More thread
August 31, 2011
I have an article in The Conversation on the misrepresentation of the science on sea level in news stories in The Australian: In August The Australian had a story by Ean Higgins on Tim Flannery's waterfront home. Higgins' message was the fact that Flannery had a house near the water showed he was…
August 30, 2011
In The Conversation Michael Ashley writes about The Australian's War on Science, with emphasis on Michael Asten's misrepresentations of the science: When I contacted The Australian's opinion editor late last year to express dismay at their bias, I was given the example of Michael Asten, a part-time…
August 29, 2011
The Conversation is publishing a series of articles this week on how the media has misrepresented the science on climate change. Selling climate uncertainty: misinformation and the media by Stephan Lewandowsky Forget the fantasy politics - advertising is no substitute for debate by Robin…
August 24, 2011
This is a guest post from John Mashey. An amusing coincidence surfaced a few days ago, relating the US Presidential campaign of Texas Governor Rick Perry to the Peter Wood kerfuffle at Chronicle of Higher Education (CHE), including the stir in some parts of the blogosphere. I explain that, followed…
August 12, 2011
Jane Fraser, columnist in The Australian , writes a column based on "facts" she got from a chain email: Back to Plimer. He says he knows how disheartening it is to realise all your savings on carbon emissions have been eaten up by natural disasters. You've suffered the inconvenience and expense of…
August 12, 2011
In reply to my email, Murry Salby writes: Thanks for your interest in the presentation at the Sydney Institute. If not torrential (in some cases invidious), the expressions of interest have at least been overpowering. Although I would like to respond individually, the volume of inquiries makes that…