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Tim Lambert

Posts by this author

July 18, 2006
We all know that the scientific consensus on global warming is that humans are causing most of it. The Creationist consensus is that humans aren't causing it. But just as their are divisions in the Creationist camp between Old Earth and Young Earth Creationists, they are divided on why people…
July 17, 2006
Chris Mooney on the report Joe Barton commissioned on the hockey stick: I am beyond bored with the whole thing. I'm reaching the point of despair. Listen, people: This is an argument over a study that is now some eight years old. Eight years! You would think there is nothing new under the sun in…
July 17, 2006
PZ Myers writes Time's former "Blog of the Year," the execrable PowerLine blog with which I share a state, has done it again: said something so stupid and so palpably false that I'm feeling a bit embarrassed about ragging on Oklahoma in my previous post--I should feel ashamed by association at…
July 16, 2006
Last year I banned per/David Bell from commenting for a few days after he abused another commenter. This prompted an attack on me from ClimateAudit where commenters wrote falsehoods like this: Lambert knows his facts are weak, as such he does not allow others to comment upon them, otherwise the…
July 15, 2006
John Quiggin is underwhelmed by Wegman et al's Social Network Analysis of Mann's co-authorship graph. On the other hand, the Climate Audit folks are really excited. I'm not sure if the Social Network stuff is good for them. (See graph on right.)
July 14, 2006
Joe Barton's Committee has released a report they commissioned on the hockey stick by Wegman, Scott and Said (WSS). The focus of the report is much narrower than the NRC report and the results are basically a subset of the NRC report. In particular, both reports find that "off-centre" method used…
July 14, 2006
A press release from the UK Green Party says: A survey carried out by the Green Party shows overwhelming opposition to Government nuclear plans Energy Survey shows 87% of public opposed to new nuclear power stations 89% agree 'the Government had already decided what they wanted to do about nuclear…
July 14, 2006
Fafblog is back.
July 12, 2006
Michael Fumento complains about his Wikipedia article: An Aussie named Tim Lambert has as his raison d'etre attacking anybody who is more intelligent, more successful, and more relevant than he is. That leaves him with 6.3 million targets -- more or less. But I ended up on his radar screen by…
July 11, 2006
Lott has filed a response to Levitt's motion to dismiss. He doesn't have a good argument on the question of the meaning of "replicate", basically just asserting that it means "analyse the same data in exactly the same way" and ignoring the other usages it has.
July 9, 2006
Erik Svane says that the media is not reporting the good poll news from Iraq: Indeed, one reason that "the global image of America has slipped," that "pessimism about the future of Iraq was widespread," and that "Iraq is sapping good will to the United States" may be that they see so few polls from…
July 7, 2006
I wrote earlier how some Global Warming Skeptics likened themselves to Creationists. Over at the Panda's Thumb Richard Hoppe has more: Regular readers of the Thumb will recall that in February, the Ohio State Board of Education removed the "critical analysis of evolution" standard, benchmark, and…
July 7, 2006
In an interview with People Bush says: I think we have a problem on global warming. I think there is a debate about whether it's caused by mankind or whether it's caused naturally, but it's a worthy debate. It's a debate, actually, that I'm in the process of solving by advancing new technologies,…
July 6, 2006
LBBP has put together the 38th Skeptics' Circle.
July 5, 2006
At 3:10 in a Tim Ball interview with the editorial board of the Ottawa Citizen, he says this: To my knowledge I've never received a nickel from the oil and gas companies. I wish I did get some money -- I might be able to afford their product. If you ask my wife she says its cost me a lot of money…
July 4, 2006
Jim Motavalli has an interesting article about Inhofe's attack on the Associated Press: Borenstein, through his membership in the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ) and elsewhere, has a long history of arguing passionately for fair and balanced reporting. Perry Beeman, environmental…
July 1, 2006
Klein's Law states: At any given moment, PowerLine has no idea what they're talking about. John Hinderaker has responded to my post on how Hinderaker claimed that ticket sales for Al Gore's movie had gone down when they'd actually gone up. (See also MarkCC at Good Math, Bad Math.) Update: Some…
June 30, 2006
OK, this is from November 2004, but still... Frontier Centre: We are all familiar with the modern theory that the world's climate is getting warmer. Is it? Tim Ball: Yes, it warmed from 1680 up to 1940, but since 1940 it's been cooling down. The evidence for warming is because of distorted records…
June 30, 2006
In February, 86 evangelical Christian leaders backed the Evangelical Climate Initiative, calling for federal legislation to reduce CO2 emissions. Opposing them is a group called the Interfaith Stewardship Alliance who are collecting signatures in support of a document arguing against the existence…
June 30, 2006
PZ Myers writes Time's former "Blog of the Year," the execrable PowerLine blog with which I share a state, has done it again: said something so stupid and so palpably false that I'm feeling a bit embarrassed about ragging on Oklahoma in my previous post--I should feel ashamed by association at…
June 29, 2006
A NY Times article on Arata Kochi, new chief of the World Health Organization's global malaria program wrongly stated that DDT was banned and had to be corrected: An article in Science Times on Tuesday, profiling Dr. Arata Kochi, the new chief of the World Health Organization's campaign against…
June 29, 2006
Eli Rabbett : Senator James Inhofe is demanding that AP provide him the names of the 19 atmospheric scientists who told the press agency that the science in "An Inconvenient Truth" was accurate. I have gone through a number of articles and put together a list of the first 14 that I could find. Here…
June 28, 2006
Senator Inhofe (R, Exxon) has responded to the AP story on how top climate researchers say Gore got it right. Drudge pimped the response, so it's all over the place now. Inhofe's press release starts with a straight lie: AP INCORRECTLY CLAIMS SCIENTISTS PRAISE GORE'S MOVIE Top climate researchers…
June 28, 2006
How is An Inconvenient Truth doing at the box office? Pretty well. The gross takings have increased every weekend and have almost reached $10,000,000. It's already the number 7 on the all time box office list for documentaries. How does John Hinderaker and UPI report this? (My emphasis.) UPI…
June 27, 2006
Seth Borenstein, AP Science Writer The AP contacted more than 100 top climate researchers by e-mail and phone for their opinion. Among those contacted were vocal skeptics of climate change theory. Most scientists had not seen the movie, which is in limited release, or read the book. But those who…
June 27, 2006
Tim Blair has added a slew of updates to try to bolster his case against the accuracy of the British Crime survey. The most interesting things about these updates is the way he introduces his sources: Ex-Labour councillor and academic Dr David Green: Barrister Rehman Chishti quits Labour: Now,…
June 26, 2006
Judd Legum has already debunked Richard Lindzen's repetition of Benny Peiser's discredited study, but I want to add one point. Lindzen wrote: More recently, a study in the journal Science by the social scientist Nancy Oreskes claimed that a search of the ISI Web of Knowledge Database for the years…
June 25, 2006
A while ago I Wrote about the Bulletin and Tim Blair's ignorance of basic statistics. Blair could not comprehend how random sampling could give more accurate crime statistics than police reports, while the Bulletin reported numbers from an Internet poll without noting that the poll also found…
June 23, 2006
David Appell heard Michael Fumento on the radio: My God, he is even worse on the radio! You'd think he was the only journalist who ever went to Iraq. I only caught his segment for about two minutes, but during that time he was pompous, combative, egotistical, and simply an all around jerk to his…
June 23, 2006
Tim Ball is suing Dan Johnson for defamation because of a letter to the editor published in the Calgary Herald (edited to add links): Whatever one may feel about Tim Ball's denial of climate change science, newspapers ought to report factual summaries of authors' credentials. You note that he "…