I don't speak French, but...

Earlier today, someone left the following comment:

Le réchauffement climatique fait partie d'un cycle planétaire qui touche toutes les planètes de notre système et n'a rien avoir avec la pollution.

La glace occupe un volume supérieur a son volume en eau, donc: si la glace fond le niveau baisse.

Des millions d'humains vivent sous les tropiques et ont des températures supérieures aux pays industrialisés et s'en accomodent trés bien. Le réchauffement de nos régions sera bénéfique pour tous et permettra une expansion de l'agriculture.

Le "réchauffement climatique" est un produit de supermarché pour vendre des conneries.

I looked at it - very briefly. My wife is fluent in French, and I asked her to translate. Before she got more than a couple of sentences in, I said, "OK, let me guess. He's going to say that global warming is good because it'll improve agriculture." My wife glanced ahead, then gave me a funny look.

"I might not speak French, but I'm fluent in Denial."


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"Global Warming is a marketing tool to peddle nonsense solutions"

Interesting comparing _Arthur's translation and Google's.

Nonsense solutions vs. Bullshit.

Heh. Google said B......t

By JohnnieCanuck (not verified) on 17 Feb 2009 #permalink

Le réchauffement climatique fait partie d'un cycle planétaire qui touche toutes les planètes de notre système et n'a rien a voir avec la pollution.
Un glaçon occupe un volume supérieur a son volume en eau. Donc: si la glace fond le niveau des mers baisse.
Le réchauffement climatique permet une expansion des zones agricoles. Les terres peuvent être cultivées en hiver.

Global warming is part of a planetary cycle that takes place in all the planets in our system, and has nothing to do with pollution.
Ice occupies a bigger volume than its volume of water, therefore, if ice melts, sea level gets lower.
Millions of people live under the tropics, wuth temperatures much higher than those in industrial countries, and they're fine with it. The warming in our regions will be a benefit for all and will allow an expansion of agriculture.
"Global warming" is just a supermarket product to sell bullshit.

No, that's not my opinion! I was just translating!
I must add that it is very rare to read this kind of rant in French.

Also, note that the guy just added a new comment saying exactly the same thing.

By Christophe Thill (not verified) on 18 Feb 2009 #permalink

It's odd that someone would post in french to a blog posted in English. It's like they've decided to not even pretend they post comments to communicate but only to "hear" oneself "speak."

I read any sorts of newpapers (L.A.Times, Dallas Morning News, etc) which are translated into French by Google.
You can translate French into English that to remain to lock into a single language.

By huemaurice1 (not verified) on 18 Feb 2009 #permalink

@Allison #7

Well, maybe not. It's easier to understand a language than to speak it, so it's fairly common to hear people in europe natter on, each speaking their own language.