Garfield Minus Garfield

When Garfield is digitally erased from his eponymous comic strip, Jon's life is somehow elevated to a minimalist tale of pathos, surrealism and irony - as this new blog proves:




I think buying a monkey is a cure for boredom that most people don't explore seriously enough. Especially if it's a flying monkey.

Via Blog of a Bookslut


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I know! It must be true that authorial intent really *is* unnecessary to the creation of great works, at least in the genre of "comic strips with digitally deleted protagonists."


By anomalous4real (not verified) on 01 Mar 2008 #permalink

Over Christmas, my brother introduced me to the Garfield randomizer. It mixes up panels from various strips on the assumption that all Garfield comics are basically the same, and that they might even be funny with a bit of a scramble.

I discovered this site about a week ago. My favorite strip is the "there's something wrong with my pants" one.

I like this way better than the original Garfield comics! It has a Zen zaniness to it. They ought to take Garfield out of ALL the strips and republish them - i sense a goldmine!