My friend John found these pavement neurons outside our building. What, you don't think they look like neurons? Well, then YOU haven't worked on the brain long enough to become afflicted with chronic neural pareidolia! For comparison:
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organeles in my food... in fact im forced
to arrange it, to be more physiologicaly
acurate. I guess more of scientist recognize those
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Ha. It brings new meaning to the term 'street smarts.'
Coincidentally, I just wrote a post about neurons and pareidolia. Check it out if you have a second...…
While I do claim sole responsibility for this "discovery", I also want to give some credit to the mystery sauce/infected tomatoes inside the Chipotle burrito that I consumed just prior to the sighting. They may be partly responsible for the cognitive disruptions necessary to induce the neuron's emergence from the pavement.
I still think we should have jackhammered that chunk of the parking garage out and sold it on ebay.