New Fred Thompson doll talks, cries, endorses candidates

Last night the staffer and I were watching the Republican National Convention when we noticed an unfortunate, unintentionally hilarious staging problem. Fred Thompson was speaking on the arena's glossy black stage, with a HUGE projected photo of John McCain behind him. The photo of McCain was taken from about desk height in an office, capturing a looming McCain, a window, and the back of a leather desk chair. The net result? It looked like McCain the Giant Senator has a Fred Thompson doll (complete with mini-podium!) perched cutely on his shiny desk:


Someone at CNN apparently realized this angle was not conducive to gravitas, because they rapidly cut away to a closeup of Thompson. I was able to find the sequence on YouTube (fast forward to 19:00), but it's fuzzy and small, and not nearly as amusing as it was in HDTV. If you have a better photo, please let me know. It makes me smile. :)

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Bikemonkey, I know just what you mean. . . ;)

Stephanie - no luck so far, but if I do get a better one, it's going up immediately.