Eyeball it!

I can't freehand a parallelogram to save my life, but I can bisect an angle with the best of 'em! Woohoo!

How good are you at eyeballing geometry? Test yourself with this game. It's addictive, although your eyes will tire quickly if you have an inferior monitor. And at the end, it gives you a snazzy little readout of your scores, like this:


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The one to make a point equidistant from the edges is annoying since they don't give us any helpful little blue lines for that one. It almost means you can't reasonably compare the different forms. It would be interesting to do all of them with and without the blue lines and see how much worse the error gets without them.

Rats. I thought I was hot stuff -- I got as low as 0.6 on a few of them. But overall only 3.6. Oh well, better than the average it looks like.

It's irritating to see how inconsistent my perception is. I mean, once I'll hit the center of a triangle dead-on; the next time, I'm 8 off. I can't even claim to be particularly good or bad at any of the categories, since my average eventually tends to be ruined by whatever I did best on the first time through. (I think I'll blame my monitor!)

Yeah, me too. My best score was also in the same category as my worst. Oddly, it didn't seem to matter much wether I went slowly or shot from the hip. Perhaps I'll try twice more just to test that notion. Addictive indeed.

I think the parallelograms are difficult for me, because I have spent so much time trying to draw in perspective. What looks "right" to me is to have the "rectangle" receding into imaginary perspectival space. Damn you art school!

"Damn you art school! "

Ah, how many people have said that before you, Michael. ;)