It might be a fluke

. . . or, brain worms could be on the rise!

Mo at Neurophilosophy has a really freaky story/video about a parasitic worm that invaded a woman's brain. This one is worth watching. . . and you can use it on your family if they're refusing to wash their hands!


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oooooh... that's pretty bad...

helpful hint to go along with that... don't bring this story up if you are having lunch with a bunch of people who have just come back with rare pork roast sandwiches...

that sort of thing never goes over too well.

Amazing! The power of prayer changed her brain tumor to a parasitic brain worm! And then all it took was a highly skilled and trained neurosurgeon using highly advanced medical technology to open up her cranium and extract the parasite from her brain. Score: Jeebus 1, Science and Brain Worms 0. Sheesh.