Soft as the womb of a marshmallow mermaid

San Francisco based company Cordarounds seems hell-bent on living up to every stereotype about that quirky city. Their store is online-only and features a trippy blog. Their catalog ads involve horizontal corduroy pants worn by attractive-and/or-grungy people drinking, eating, playing guitar, camping, reading The Satanic Verses in a reversible smoking jacket, that sort of mundane thing. They offer free shipping - but only to Greenland, of course.

Best of all, they're not afraid to offend people with their uberedgy science:


Okay, maybe that's actually pseudoscience. If it's not, I really don't want to know how they calibrated that soft-o-meter, or how many bunnies died in the process.

(But I do kinda want to try a vagisoft blanket. Mmmm, soft.)

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Wow, that is (intentionally, I'm sure) a disquieting fabric name - are we talking about a smoking jacket or a sex toy?

No, no - don't answer that...

sounds uncomfortably like vagasill

a blanket that also manages herpes outbreaks?

doesn't make me want to snuggle.

ummm this strikes me as tongue in cheek (gee did I just write that???) humor. lighten up folks

@jay - didn't mean to suggest that it should be taken seriously, just that it was in that gray area betw. funny and too weird. Also - bio note - I thought mermaids were more roe sack and less womb. Maybe the marshmallow kind are unrelated to the kind that sing each to each - convergent evolution?

Jay, you cheeky critter you!

Dr.hypercube, anyone who tosses in an Eliot reference while debating whether mermaids have roe sacks or wombs earns my undying respect.

What gets me every time is "freshly laundered bunny". I have not managed to read that without snorfling yet.

Crappy clothes need clever copy. Cordarounds wins that going away.

By vanderleun (not verified) on 22 Feb 2009 #permalink