Patterns, natural and unnatural

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Edge of Loch, Scotland
Jason Hawkes

Phoographer Jason Hawkes specializes in aerial views that emphasize patterns in nature and manmade structures. While his Apartments, Hong Kong first caught my eye at io9, Edge of Loch, Scotland plays even more fascinating games with scale. Is that a closeup of a shoreline crusted with lichen, a crowd of lilypads suspended on the water's surface, or a gods' eye view of toylike trees? Look close enough to be sure it's the latter, and you risk being lost in the incredible cobalt of the water.


Apartments, Hong Kong
Jason Hawkes

Then there's London's O2 arena by night - fully blurring the lines between nature and architecture, its dome looks like the mantle of a glowing deep-sea jellyfish, spiked with toxin-tipped spines. Purdy.

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O2 Arena at Night, London
Jason Hawkes

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I love these! Especially the first one- gorgeous.

I love the photographs, but I hate the website design.

The thumbnails leading to images and collections are not conventional HTML links. If they were, I could (for example) right-click on them and open each collection or image in a new browser tab. This is the only sensible way to browse an online art gallery. However, the links are implemented with some sort of weird unconventional Javascript thing, which makes convenient tabbed browsing impossible. Why anyone thought this was a good idea is beyond me.

I think the web designer's top priority was to prevent ripping of any high-res images & by making navigation slow, to skew users of the site toward professional consumers of stock photography. Thus the tiny images. But yeah, I agree with you, Adrian, the site is a clunker.