It Happens Again

Why, it seems like just last week that we were kvetching about the ad nominum attacks upon our character -- or, at least, the spelling of our blog's name. The people who add an extra "V" (turning evolgen into evolvgen) are lightweights compared to those who confuse us with Evolution Blog. As of today, we can add Page 6.0221415 Ã 1023 3.14 to the list:

From Evolgen, A Boom in Bible Publishing.

Jason Rosenhouse comments on an article in The New Yorker that casts Bible printing as a booming business.

I am not, nor have I ever claimed to be, named Jason Rosenhouse. I am an evolutionary geneticist; Jason is a mathematician. Jason writes about the cultural impact of evolution and religion as well as chess. I write about population genetics, molecular evolution, and genomics. I suck at chess and lack any semblance of cultural decency.

In honor of the latest confusion over our name, we have a new banner with a new slogan. The banner can be seen by visiting the blog.


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I would vote for Ferengi. That way you could pull in both the illeterate Pharyngula fans and the Star Trek contingent.

The circle-slash-v symbol needs further thought; you do have one 'v' after all. I don't know if there is an international traffic symbol for "one v per customer" though.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 29 Dec 2006 #permalink

At least they didn't call you razib (or vice versa, I can't remember who I misquoted)...