Doesn't matter if you're black, white, or. . . plastinated?

If this story is to be believed, Body Worlds creator Gunther von Hagens is going to plastinate Michael Jackson.

I have no objection to plastination per se, but I think it would be uniquely tragic for Michael Jackson to remain an object of invasive voyeurism after death. That's exactly what he was from his earliest childhood, and it seems to have affected his mental health so profoundly. Andrew Sullivan may have put it best: "He died a while ago. He remained for so long a walking human shell."

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Body Worlds is an amazing show, remarkable really.

I cannot help wonder what his kids would have to say about seeing dad all done up in plastic though. Could go either way but I think I'd err conservatively in this case until the kids can express their wishes.

Better than having his head frozen by some cryogenics fraud.