Top ten easy science party tricks

Okay, so these tricks aren't rocket science. But I think lighting and extinguishing candles remotely is a pretty entertaining diversion - definitely for an audience experiencing a post-holiday meal food coma. You can lecture them all about chemistry, and they won't be able to flee! Bwahahahahaha! Good stuff.

Then I found this "Extreme Physics Party Trick". . . and I'm still laughing.


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By Interrobang (not verified) on 13 Dec 2009 #permalink

I saw the science tricks earlier tonight and LOVED the CO2 extinguishing one. I think it would be more effective if you poured it into a beaker without liquid in it though. "I will put out these candles with only what's in THIS (seemingly empty) beaker!


I've totally got to try that extinguishing candles with carbon dioxide. That is highly awesome.

ps- if we, your loyal and humble readers, find things that we think will make you say "Hot Diggity!" or some derivation thereof- where should we send them?

By Esmeralda M Ru… (not verified) on 14 Dec 2009 #permalink

always feel free to post in the comments - or send to my email (under "contact" info at the top of the blog). The problem with emailing me is I'm way behind on getting suggestions onto the blog - I do read all emails, and I get wonderful ideas and suggestions, but often just don't have time to do anything with the information for weeks! (especially at the holidays!)

Paul Baud NEEDS his own TVs show. I would happily cosponsor something like that. If I can do my own EXTREME (neuro)BIOLOGY segment.