Fibonacci FTW

A short, wordless film inspired by numbers, geometry and nature, and created by Cristóbal Vila. Thanks to reader Esmeralda for passing this one along!

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Great vid. Send this to everyone you know!

That was really amazing. Thanks for posting it! : D

By Mike Olson (not verified) on 22 Mar 2010 #permalink

Wonderful- if only we could get youngsters inspired about numbers and geometry by showing them stuff like this! Unfortunately, by the time they are old enough to appreciate something like this they have "turned off" to maths as a nerdy thing for the uncool.

if you liked this check out "the colors of infinity" based on the mandelbrot set, and fractals. it's a similar concept in understanding patterns in nature..

By frankencycle (not verified) on 24 Mar 2010 #permalink